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Pandora papers: How Peter Obi indulges in secret businesses that violates Code of Conduct law as governor



Former governor of Anambra State Mr. Peter Obi

Peter Obi, the ex-governor of Anambra State in Southeastern Nigeria, is widely regarded in Nigeria as an advocate of good governance, openness, and transparency.


In addition to speeches on his governance records and statistics-laden prescriptions for Nigeria’s development, he likes to talk about how hugely successful he became in business before diving into politics.


In speeches and in printed literature, Mr Obi is never shy, reeling out his numerous business affiliations and accomplishments. On his website, for example, the former governor said he “was chairman of Next International Nigeria Ltd, then chairman and director of Guardian Express Mortgage Bank Ltd, Guardian Express Bank Plc, Future View Securities Ltd, Paymaster Nigeria Ltd, Chams Nigeria Ltd, Data Corp Ltd and Card Centre Ltd.”

On that same platform, the former governor also described himself as the youngest board chairperson ever appointed by Fidelity Bank Plc, a 34-year old Nigerian lender listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange.

But beyond the facade of priggish speeches and appearances, an investigation by PREMIUM TIMES has now shown that Mr Obi is not entirely transparent in his affairs as he likes Nigerians to believe.

The investigation is part of the global International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)-led Pandora Papers project.

The project saw 600 journalists from 150 news organisations around the world poring through a trove of 11.9 million confidential files, contextualising information, tracking down sources and analysing public records and other documents.

The leaked files were retrieved from some offshore services firms around the world that set up shell companies and other offshore entities for clients, many of them influential politicians, businesspersons and criminals, seeking to conceal their financial dealings.

The two-year collaboration has so far revealed the financial secrets of not less than 35 current and former world leaders, more than 330 public officials in more than 91 countries and territories.

Mr Obi is one of the individuals whose hidden business activities was thrown open by the project. Indeed, he has a number of secret business dealings and relationships that he has for years kept to his chest. These are businesses he clandestinely set up and operated overseas, including in notorious tax and secrecy havens in ways that breached Nigerian laws.

PREMIUM TIMES contacted Mr Obi with written questions and had an in-person interview with him weeks ahead of this publication.

The former governor admitted that he did not declare these companies and the funds and properties they hold in his asset declaration filings with the Code of Conduct Bureau, the Nigerian government agency that deals with the issues of corruption, conflict of interest, and abuse of office by public servants.

He said he was unaware that the law expected him to declare assets or companies he jointly owns with his family members or anyone else.

The Pandora Papers, the biggest cross-border collaboration of journalists in history, is an investigation into a vast amount of previously hidden offshore companies, exposing secret assets, covert deals and hidden fortunes of the super-rich – among them more than 130 billionaires – and the powerful, including more 30 world leaders and hundreds of former and serving public officials across the world.

The confidential documents also feature a global cast of fugitives, convicts, celebrities, football stars and others, including judges, tax officials, spy chiefs and mayors.

The leaked records came from 14 offshore services firms from around the world that set up shell companies and other offshore nooks for clients like Mr Obi, who seek to shroud their financial activities, often suspicious, in secrecy.

Peter Obi, his daughter and a secret business

Mr Obi has two children- a daughter, Gabriella Nwamaka Frances Obi, and a son, Gregory Peter Oseloka Obi. Sometime in 2010, more than four years after he became governor, the politician developed an appetite to set up his first discreet company in the British Virgin Island. He named the company Gabriella Investments Limited, after his daughter

To set up what has now become a convoluted business structure, Mr Obi first approached Acces International, a secrecy enabler in Monaco, France, to help him incorporate an offshore entity in one of the world’s most notorious tax havens noted for providing conduits for wealthy and privileged corrupt political elites to hide stolen cash to avoid the attention of tax authorities.

Tax havens are politically and economically stable offshore jurisdictions or countries with extensive laws and systems that provide little or no tax obligations, but enable high secrecy and privacy protection for foreign individuals and businesses.

Mr Obi also paid Acces International to provide nominee directors for the company. Nominee directors are residents of tax havens paid to sit on boards of companies to hide the identities of real owners of offshore firms.

So, after accepting a brief from the then governor or his representatives, Acces International officials headed to the British Virgin Island, a notorious tax haven, where it contracted a local registered agent – Aleman Cordero Galindo & Lee Trust (BVI) Limited (Alcogal) — to set up Gabriella Investments Limited for Mr Obi.

The 36-year old Alcogal is a Panamanian law firm that went on to open overseas subsidiaries offering company formation and registered agent services in BVI, Seychelles, Belize, and Bahamas, and the preparation of corporate documentation in relation to the companies formed. It also provides trust services through its subsidiary trust companies in Panama, BVI, and Belize.

After extensive documentation, Gabriella Investment Limited was born on November 17, 2010, with registration number 1615538. Two figureheads – Antony Janse Van Vuuren and Lance Lawson — were appointed its first directors while ultimate control resided with Mr Obi.

On the same day the company was incorporated, the nominee directors met and issued 50,000 shares of Gabriella Investment in favour of Hill International Holding Corporation, a shell International Business Company operating under the laws of Belize, another tax haven. The director of the company is Mr Van Vuuren, also one of the directors of Gabriella Investment.

It is unclear what businesses Mr Obi transacted with the entities but in some communications, they were sometimes referred to as investment vehicles. Mr Obi told PREMIUM TIMES the offshore entity is the holding company for most of his assets and that the business structure he adapted was to enable him to avoid excessive taxation.

“I am sure you too will not like to pay inheritance tax if you can avoid it,” he told the reporters who interviewed him.

The Memorandum of Incorporation of Gabriella Investment said it was set up to carry on or undertake any business or activity, including trading of any commodities or goods, to do any act or enter into any transactions.

Recalibrating the structure and bringing family under the umbrella
Mr Obi has since rearranged his offshore businesses. First, he renamed Gabriella Investment. Beginning February 10, 2017, the company became known as PMGG Investments Limited in what is a combination of the first letters of the first names of Mr Obi’s nuclear family. P for Peter (ex-governor), M for Margaret (the ex-governor’s wife), G for Gabriella (the ex-governor’s daughter) and G for Gregory (the ex-governor’s son).

Mr Obi has also now created a trust known as The Gabriella Settlement, an entity also registered in the BVI. According to Fidelity Investments, a trust is a fiduciary arrangement that allows a third party, or trustee, to hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries. Experts believe that trusts are traditionally used for minimising taxes even though they can offer other estate plan benefits as well.

By the current structuring of Mr Obi’s wealth and offshore businesses, The Gabriella Settlement, which appears to hold all or a majority of his assets, is the sole shareholder of PMGG Investments.

In turn, a New Zealander entity, Granite Trust Company Limited is the sole trustee of The Gabriella Settlement. Sam Access International, the Monaco-based secrecy enabler Mr Obi first hired in 2010 to set up his offshore structure, was until August 23, 2019, the sole shareholder of Granite Trust.

Antony Janse Van Vuuren, who has acted as a consistent and perpetual director for almost all of Mr Obi-related offshore entities popped up again, making the filing that brought in another Monaco-based company, Rhone Acces Sam as the sole shareholder of Granite Trust. However, Rhone Trust and Fiduciary S.A., a Swiss entity, is the ultimate holding company for Granite Trust.

Mr Peter Obi and his Man Friday
A central and recurring figure in former Governor Obi’s network of offshore companies and on whom the politician appears to place immense trust is Antony Janse Van Vuuren, a 70-year old South African based in the principality of Monaco in France. Experts in Illicit Financial Flows consider Monaco a tax haven because of its generous tax laws and policies.

According to KPMG Multi Family Office, the principality of roughly 30,000 inhabitants does not charge wealth tax, property tax, investment income tax, and capital gains tax. It also does not tax dividends and directors’ fees and unless they are French nationals, resident individuals are not subject to personal income tax while inheritance tax is zero per cent for spouses and direct beneficiaries. It is unclear if it was this mouth-watering tax regime that attracted Mr Obi to Monaco.

What is however clear is that, in 2010, four years after he became governor, the politician or his representatives hired Monaco-based Acces International, where Mr Van Vuuren has been partner and director for 25 years, to help him create a secret and intricate scheme for managing his assets. Mr Obi told PREMIUM TIMES that British Lloyds Bank’s advice informed his offshore structure decision.

From Monaco in France to Tortola in the BVI, to Wellington in New Zealand, and to Geneva in Switzerland, Mr Van Vuuren has travelled around the world running business errands for Mr Obi and taking major decisions on his behalf.

While Mr Obi stays comfortably behind the curtain, the South African has remained the face of the ex-governor’s companies and the assets they hold. For the past decade, he is the politician’s number one business arranger in the offshore world as well as the custodian of the politician’s business-related documents and correspondences.

Mr Van Vuuren, a veteran nominee director for possibly tens or hundreds of shell companies, attended the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where he graduated in 1967 with a Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting and Business Management. He also obtained an MBA from Durham University in 1977.

A History of Playing Offshore
A 1991 leaked incorporation document reveals a certain Peter Obi and two other individuals – Donatus Ogbogu and Uche Okagbue – to have incorporated Beauchamp Investments Limited in Barbados.

The firm was incorporated as an international business company on August 20, 1991, with registration number 7305. The setting up of the company was handled at the time by a certain Peter L. Chase. What businesses the company does and what assets it holds remain unclear. Mr Obi denied knowledge of the firm as well as of Messrs Ogbogu and Okagbue. He said the individual who incorporated Beauchamp was possibly another businessman who happened to bear a similar name as him.

However, Next International (UK) Limited, another of the former governor’s overseas companies, was incorporated on May 16, 1996, in London. Mr Obi and his wife, Margaret, were listed as directors while Next International (Nigeria) Limited (with 999 ordinary shares) and Mr Obi (with one ordinary share) were listed as shareholders.

The exact businesses the company undertook in its 25-year history remained unclear, although, on March 8, 2001, the firm reported taking a mortgage from Lloyds TSB Bank Plc for a property on 53 Clyde Road, Croydon.

In Nigeria, a person is statutorily obligated to withdraw from engaging in or directing a private business, except if it is farming, upon becoming a public officer, Section Six (6) of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act stipulates.

However, our investigation, based on records obtained from the UK Companies House shows that Mr Obi continued to be a director of Next International (UK) Limited for 14 months after becoming the governor of Anambra State, thereby breaking Nigeria’s law. The politician resigned from the company on May 16, 2008, 14 months after he assumed duties as Anambra governor. He took office on March 17, 2006.

Mr Obi did not dispute the records PREMIUM TIMES cited but he claimed he “resigned immediately” by handing his wife his resignation letter. He suggested that his company might have failed to effect the changes on time or the UK Companies House did not immediately document his exit. But the UK companies registry said Mr Obi indeed resigned on May 16, 2008, and that it received his notice of resignation for electronic filing on June 16, 2008.

Breaking the law: Number 2
Nigerian public officers are required to declare “immediately after taking office and thereafter all” their properties, assets, and liabilities and those of his (or her) unmarried children under the age of eighteen years,” Nigeria’s 1999 Constitution stipulates (Section 11, Part of the Fifth Schedule).

PREMIUM TIMES investigation also found that Mr Obi breached this constitutional provision on assets declaration. We can authoritatively report that Mr Obi did not declare to the Code of Conduct Bureau the companies he tucked away in offshore secrecy havens.

Mr Obi caused to be created for him a structure of secrecy that had previously, until the Pandora Papers investigation, meant he could continue to hold foreign assets in a way that breaches Nigeria’s law without the knowledge of authorities in the country. In an extra layer of secrecy, Mr Obi used paid nominees as directors, while he remains the ultimate beneficial owner, making it nearly impossible to discover his interests in those companies but we obtained rare incorporation documents proving his link.

Otherwise, Mr Obi could have forever hoped to continue to hold the assets, that he did not declare when he had a statutory obligation to do so as a governor, without any authority or the public calling him to account.

In his response, Mr Obi ridiculously suggested that those offshore companies and assets are jointly owned with his family members and that he was not under obligation to declare companies jointly owned. “I don’t declare what is owned with others,” Mr Obi told PREMIUM TIMES. “If my family owns something I won’t declare it. I didn’t declare anything I jointly owed with anyone.”

This is contrary to the position of the Constitution, which specifies the declaration of all assets, whether jointly or partly owned, PREMIUM TIMES’ reporters told Mr Obi. He said he was not aware of that provision of the law.

Nevertheless, leaked records show Mr Obi is the sole ultimate beneficial owner of the offshore companies. So he did not even jointly own it with anyone.

In that case, Mr Obi has violated Nigeria’s Code of Conduct law and, if authorities decide to act appropriately, he could be arraigned before the Code of Conduct Tribunal, a special court that tries public officers for any contravention of the Code of Conduct for Nigerian public officers as spelt out in the Fifth Schedule of the Nigerian constitution.

The Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) and the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) were established to enforce “a high standard of morality in the conduct of government business, and to ensure that the actions and behaviour of public officers conform to the highest standards of public morality and accountability.”

The former governor could be charged with failing to declare his offshore holdings and their associated assets and operating foreign accounts while being a public officer.

The Nigerian constitution and the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act forbid a public officer from maintaining or operating a bank account outside Nigeria. However, as a governor, Mr. Obi continued to operate and maintain foreign accounts, including with Lloyds TSB.

Mr. Obi told PREMIUM TIMES that he received the advice to create an offshore structure from Lloyds TSB, which then introduced him to intermediaries who helped him to set up com where he continued to operate a foreign account as a governor.

The offences violate sections of the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999, as amended.

Asked if he is concerned that Nigerians would be disappointed at him following our finding of his opaque and lawless dealings as a governor, Mr Obi said was more concerned about his UK school alumni network, his business, foreign creditors. He insisted that he served well as Anambra governor and Nigerians already have their opinions about him.

The former governor could be charged for failing to declare the company and its associated assets and perhaps operating foreign accounts while being a public officer.

Mr Obi told PREMIUM TIMES that he received the advice to create an offshore structure from Lloyds where he continued to operate a foreign account as a governor.

The offences violate sections of the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999, as amended.

Shunning opportunity to declare assets, pay taxes

In June 2017, the federal government launched the Voluntary Assets and Income Disclosure Scheme (VAIDS), an initiative seeking voluntary disclosure of previously undeclared assets and income with a view to paying all outstanding liabilities. The VAIDS offered a nine-month window and incentives that included immunity from prosecution for tax evasion and undeclared assets, which would have benefited people like Mr Obi.

A key objective of the VAIDS was curbing illicit financial flows and tax evasion, which commonly feature the use of offshore holdings to shift taxes from where they are earned to havens where little or no taxes are paid.

The government in 2017 said defaulting individuals and corporate bodies who failed to take advantage of the VAIDS would be subject to criminal prosecution.

A number of Nigerian public officials with previously undeclared assets tucked away overseas participated in the VAIDS and got clearance certificates. Mr. Obi shunned the scheme and continued with his opaque business dealings in breach of the law.




Rugby School Nigeria unveils ambitious plans at official launch event in Lagos



Rugby School Nigeria, the newest international school of the esteemed Rugby School Group, is set to open in September 2025 in Eko Atlantic City, Lagos.


To celebrate this significant milestone, an exclusive launch event was held at the British Deputy High Commissioner’s residence in Lagos, attracting over 100 distinguished guests and key stakeholders from the education, government, business sectors, and diplomatic communities.


At the official launch event on March 19, 2025, the British Deputy High Commissioner, Mr Jonny Baxter highlighted the significance of Rugby School Nigeria stating:

“Rugby School Nigeria exemplifies one of the best of UK-Nigeria collaborations, bringing another world-class British education institution to the heart of Lagos. Situated in the dynamic Eko Atlantic City, a symbol of Nigeria’s ambition and innovation, this school is poised to further shape future leaders in a rapidly evolving global landscape.”

Rugby School Nigeria will initially open its doors for Sixth Form students (ages 16-18) in September 2025, with boarding facilities set to be available from September 2026. The Senior School (ages 11-16) will launch in September 2026, offering a broad and engaging curriculum that prepares students for IGCSEs and future academic success.

Founding Principal of Rugby School Nigeria, Dr Adam England expressed his enthusiasm:

“Rugby School Nigeria will offer an exceptional education that nurtures both intellectual growth and character development guided by the Rugby School ‘Whole Person, Whole Point’ philosophy. Students will benefit from a comprehensive A-Level programme, preparing them for top universities worldwide, alongside the Rugby 360 programme, which fosters leadership, community engagement, and personal development.

Our state-of-the-art facilities will include science labs, creative arts spaces, and world-class sporting facilities.”

Founded in 1567, Rugby School is one of the world’s most prestigious UK boarding schools, renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and character development. With established sister schools in Thailand, Japan, and now Nigeria, Rugby School continues to expand its global impact, offering transformative educational experiences to students worldwide.

Dr England added, “We are excited by the substantial interest we have already received, with numerous parents’ meetings taking place daily at our offices.”

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Senator Ipinosa scores self high, says he did a lot for constituents



Senator representing Ondo North Senatorial District, Olajide Ipinsagba Emmanuel

Senator representing Ondo North Senatorial District, Olajide Ipinsagba Emmanuel has scored himself high in terms of constituency projects deliveries to his constituents.


Speaking in an exclusive interview in his office with journalists, he said “he facilitated Agricultural Training Programs for youths and existing farmers, equipping them with modern techniques to enhance productivity, distributed fertilizers to farmers to address critical agricultural challenges, ensuring increased output and improved local food security.


“Constructed and fully equipped a modern health centre in Akunnu-Akoko, ensuring access to quality healthcare for the community, distributed health equipments and materials to the State Specialist Hospital, Ikare-Akoko, thereby strengthening healthcare infrastructure and improving health outcomes.”

“Trained and Empowered Women and Youth in Confectioneries. He organised training in cake baking and other confectioneries, followed by the disbursement of start-up grants to empower beneficiaries to establish their businesses. Training of women on soap making with start-up funds.

In the same vein, he organized ICT training programs for youths, distributed HP Core i7 laptops, and provided start-up grants to promote innovation and employment in the tech sector.

“Trained youths in tailoring, provided sewing machines, and disbursed start-up grants to enhance self-reliance and job creation. Constructed a 1.5-kilometer road in Oka-Akoko, improving connectivity, facilitating economic activities, and easing transportation for farmers and traders. Spearheaded the construction of the Ikare Modern Civic Center, which serves as a hub for cultural, social, and civic engagements. Facilitated the construction of 28 lock-up shops in Oka -Akoko, providing a conducive environment for entrepreneurs and boosting local commerce.

Dist. Sen. Olajide who is passionate about education, distributed free JAMB forms to students across the Senatorial District, enabling many young people to pursue higher education without financial barriers.

Also, he sponsored a bill for the establishment of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) University in Ikare-Akoko. A public hearing was successfully held on December 28, 2024, reflecting progress toward establishing this vital institution for skill development and education. Lighting up towns and villages with Solar Panels including Adekunle Ajasin University.”

These achievements underscore his commitment to fostering development in agriculture, education, health, and infrastructure. As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Public Procurement, he also prioritizes accountability and efficiency in national projects, which directly impacts the equitable allocation of resources to Ondo North Senatorial District and Ondo State at large.

Moreso, he empowered Small Businesses through skill acquisition programmes and provision of lock-up shops, he has laid the groundwork for entrepreneurship to flourish within the district. Strengthening Youth Engagement, by bridging the gap between education, technology, and employment. He is equipping youths with the tools necessary to thrive in the modern economy.”

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We are astonished at PDP’s embarrassing display of ignorance on issues – Edo Gov’t



Edo State Government has lashed at the factional chapter of the caretaker committee of the Peoples Democratic Party and the appointed publicity secretary, Chris Nehikhare, for rushing to the press without first understanding the subject at hand.


In a statement issued by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Fred Itua in Benin and made available to journalists said, Nehikhare’s latest press release was another embarrassing display of ignorance, completely missing the point Governor Monday Okpebholo raised.


The Governor was referring to the $10 million that Godwin Obaseki budgeted for The Observer Newspaper shortly before the 2024 governorship elections in Edo State, not the refurbished equipment bought from ‘Ogbete Market’ in Enugu State.

Obaseki, a portfolio scam artist, who presided over the looting of Edo’s commonwealth, hurriedly siphoned $10 million, using The Observer Newspaper as a conduit, barely a few days to the governorship election in Edo State in late 2024.

Nehikhare’s desperate attempt to twist the conversation is not just misleading but exposes the habitual dishonesty of the PDP.

On the issue of the so-called “sophisticated machines,” Nehikhare conveniently ignores the real concern—these overused and inefficient machines now require billions of naira to function properly. Obaseki may have procured them at a roadside market, but he left behind a financial burden that the present administration must now clean up.

More troubling is Nehikhare’s confused outrage about the sacking of Observer staff. How does he expect those no longer employed to be available at the premises? His logic is as flawed as the policies of the administration he blindly defends.

Instead of this laughable attempt at deflection, Nehikhare should explain why, in his final days, Obaseki found it necessary to allocate a staggering $10 million to a State-owned newspaper that is practically invisible on newspaper stands across the State and country—at a time when critical sectors like education and healthcare remained underfunded.

If Nehikhare wishes to debate the facts, he should do so with accuracy, not fiction. But then again, fiction seems to be the PDP’s favourite tool.

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