NASS partners NEPAD on accelerated development in Nigeria

The National Assembly Wednesday set machinery in motion towards making the New Partnership for Africa’s Development ( NEPAD) to serve as required catalyst for development generally in Nigeria and Africa through value added peer review among the various countries.

In achieving this, , the joint committees on NEPAD from both the Senate and the House of Representatives held a legislative roundtable discussions with key players of the partnership on the Second African Peer Review of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 2020.

In his remarks at the round table discussions , the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Cooperation and Integration in Africa and NEPAD, Senator Chimaroke Nnamani (PDP Enugu East), said the interactive session was put in place for critical review of the peer review itself as regards development inputs .
“Peer review being coordinated by NEPAD now known as African Union Development Agency (AUDA) , is very necessary for the required exchange of development – driven ideas among the various African countries .
“Of most importance, is how such peer review process, will add value to Nigeria’s quest for genuine development across the four identified thematic areas, one of which is entrenching constitutional democracy and the rule of law “, he said.
In her key note address at the round table discussions, the National Co-ordinator and Chief Executive Officer ( CEO) of AUDA – NEPAD/APRM, Princess Gloria Akobundu, said the four primary objectives of the peer review mechanism are ÷ eradication of poverty in Nigeria and other African countries, promotion of sustainable growth and development , integration of Africa in the world economy and acceleration of empowerment of women and youths.
Accordimg to her, “the historic path to the reform of NEPAD to AUDA, is beaconed on AUDA as a vehicle for the realization of the regional integration and acceleration of priority programmes and projects for better execution and timely implementation of AU Agenda 2063 and SDG’s 2030 at the county level” .
She stated further that since its transformation from NEPAD to AUDA, the agency has been mandated to among others ( i) coordinate and implement priority Continental and regional projects towards promotion of regional integration that will accelerate realization of Agenda 2063.
(iii) Strengthen capacity of AU members States and regional bodies to design , plan and implement Africa’s priority development programmes within the framework of African Union’s Agenda 2063 etc ” .
The AUDA CEO, explained further that the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), is a voluntary assessment tool instituted by the African Heads of State in 2003 .
“In Nigeria, APRM is domiciled in AUDA – NEPAD, with the primary objective to foster the adoption of policies, standards and practices that lead to political stability , high economic growth , sustainable development and accelerated regional and Continental economic integration .
“The APRM review process entails periodic reviews of policies and practices of participating countries to ascertain progress made towards achieving the agreed goals and compliance with the APRM thematic areas .
“The APRM review process is not a score card as it is not meant to name , shame or punish any member state .
“It is to make the review process relevant to citizens needs, more cost effective and in tune to the Agenda 2063 “, she said .