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How “VIPs of waste” endanger citizens’ lives in the air



Prof. Mike Ozekhome



Prof. Mike A.A. Ozekhome, SAN, CON, OFR, FCIArb, LL.M, Ph.D, LL.D



It was on Saturday, 22nd April, 2023, that it happened. At 12:30pm, I was airborne on Ibom Air, flight VM1601, from Lagos to Abuja. My seat was 16E. We were simply about 10 minutes, or thereabout, to landing in Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport, Abuja. Then the unexpected happened. The Pilot announced to bewildered passengers something we did not want to hear about. The flight will not land yet. Oh my God! Why? Hearts in our now dry mouths, we waited with bated breath; in suspended animation. The calm voice of the Pilot announcer said something which I considered to be at par with, perhaps, INEC’s now infamous ”glitches”. Yes, “glitches” that would not allow us to land as scheduled! The type of “glitches” that would enable INEC miraculously (through Prof. Peller’s abracadabra magic) transmit results of the Senate and House of Representatives elections held on Saturday, 25th February, 2023, straight ELECTRONICALLY from the POLLING UNITS to it’s IReV; but could not do same for the Presidential election held simultaneously for the same voters at the same time, on the same date, at the same venue, and with the same Bimodal accreditation. I have vainly searched for answers through all forms of logic, philosophy, scriptures, permutations, scientific and literary thoughts – some OUTSIDE the box, and even some WITHOUT the box – (thanks to my good friend, CR State Governor, Prof. Ben Ayade, who told me it is better to think WITHOUT THE BOX than merely thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX). The former, he carefully explained to me, is boundless; while the latter is circumscribed. I have since been using this template up to this moment. But till date, I have not been able to appreciate or digest this INEC’s contradiction, duplicity, equivocation and ambivalence. Or, can you?


Then, the pilot explained what he meant: “We are sorry to inform you that we cannot land yet. The Control tower has just informed us about “VIP movement”. We are therefore going to circle round till we are cleared to land. We estimate that this will take us about 20 to 25 minutes. But, there is nothing to worry about”. His voice was soothing and calming. But the pilot announcer did not tell us who the VIP or VIPs was or were. Pilots and crew announcers never ever disclose the names of such oppressors. Otherwise, passengers would lynch some of them; or pelt them with pure water and tomatoes. It was sufficient that some top brass, kahunas or head honchos was flying; and we lesser mortals must be held up in the skies. “Here was the Pilot telling us that there was nothing to worry about” for being held in the air against our will, under looming danger, fear of death, fear of the unknown, and fear of fear. In William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”, Cassius (the jealous “lean and hungry look” of a man), said to Brutus, “Men at some time are masters of their fate: The fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings” (Act 1 Scene II). This may well have been between these two vile conspirators who schemed amongst themselves thousands of years ago to assassinate the flamboyant and overconfident Julius Caesar. Was it in our stars or ourselves, that in 2023, we were being held up in the air against our wish and will? Were we to blame? Certainly not. But, here we were nonetheless in the air, at the mercy of God- helpless and hapless. Did we hear the pilot announcer correctly? As expected, some passengers immediately panicked. Some sweated. Others prayed. Some eyes popped. Some other eyes closed. A passenger sitting close by me brought out his Viks inhaler, to inhale some fresh breath and perhaps, clear his probably congested lungs. One could hear some passengers’ murmurs of visible disproval and disappointment at being held up in the air by unknown “VIPs of waste”. Who was he/she? Who were they? We were never told. Nor do I know till date.


Our tension, anxiety, curiosity and fears were soon justified. The aircraft started experiencing some slight turbulence. Why was this turbulence, which in my first flight in the 90’s I had called gallop in the air? Was it because the aircraft was within range of heavy clouds which it was piercing through as a result of its low altitude before the sudden alert about VIP movement? Was it because it was attempting to fly higher, above the clouds? Was it because it was circling? Was there sufficient aviation fuel to withstand the extra forced time in the air? Too many thoughts swirled in our minds. Not being aeronautical engineers or pilots, we did not know why. We were scared stiff. As turbulence and bumps increased, I was equally scared. But because many passengers on board had immediately recognized me as I entered the aircraft (including those sitting nearby), I had to deliberately put on a bold face as if I was not frightened. But, I was agitated and terrified. Lizards crawling on their bellies surely do have stomach ache; but their flat position does not allow us to notice. Yes, fowls do sweat, but their feathers hide the sweat from us human beings. So, I hid my fears in smiles, affability and geniality. Edo no dey carry last.

I needed to put up this courageous and fearless visage to assure and reassure my more frightened neighbours that all was well. But, was all really well? Whoever has never experienced turbulence in the air may not know and appreciate God. When you do, you will become an emergency Cleric, an Imam, or a tested Sango worshipper. You will suddenly become a “prayer warrior”, reciting from your memory, rich verses of the Holy Bible and Holy Quran. You will speak in tongues. You will suddenly remember your spouse, children, parents, loved ones and friends. You will even remember your enemies, traducers, benefactors and beneficiaries, you will recall your wealth, money starched away in secret banks; vaults and hidden steel safes. at that moment, you will remember hell and heaven; and then pray silently to God for the forgiveness of your sins. The vanity of life will stare you in the face like an apparition. (See Ecclesiastes 1: 2-8).


On a later date after our safe delivery (thank God), (a man who also knows much about aerodynamics), upon my inquiry, told me that turbulence (or gallop in the air as I called it during my first N15 flight from Benin to Lagos in the early 90s), could be caused by a combination of factors: turbulent air on earth atmosphere, as the streaming around the earth can cause sudden changes in the wind speed, thus rocking the airplane. There is also thermal turbulence which is said to be created by hot rising air from thunderstorms or cumulus clouds. My friend lectured that turbulence may also occur when tall buildings, mountains or landscapes distort the wind flow in the sky above the objects. This is called mechanical turbulence, he said. He finalized that airplanes’ wings can cause turbulence when planes fly closely behind one another, or take the same flight part, during taking-offs and landings. He however assured me that risk is very low during turbulence, as modern aircraft are designed to withstand sudden rises and falls (even nearly 100ft at a time). God forbid! Thus technological advancement has ensured that turbulence has not caused any plane crash in over 40 years; though turbulence has risen up to between 40% and 90% since 1958 over Europe and America, he lectured. Please, lecturer, I don’t like turbulence. I am not (and I believe all flyers) interested in lectures about weight, lift, thrust and brag of that massive piece of iron and steel in the air. We are simply interested in our safety. Sikena! Opoo!

Who cared about this scientific analysis at a time we were literally “dancing” in the air for the next 22 minutes in the hands of a very capable and competent pilot whose reassuring voice had at least lowered blood pressures and calmed frayed nerves? Who cared?


These so-called VIPs who endangered our lives in the air are, in my humble opinion, “VIPs of waste”. They fit squarely into the solemn words during the Radio Nigeria broadcast of Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu when he led the first Nigerian military putsch of 15th January, 1966. Said the handsome, … Sandhurst-trained, fire-eating, bold and idealist Okpanam, Delta State-born, devout catholic and teetotaler, “Our enemies are the political profiteers, the swindlers, the men in high and low places that seek bribes and demand 10 percent; those that seek to keep the country divided permanently so that they can remain in office as Ministers or VIPs at least, the tribalists, the nepotists, those that make the country look big for nothing before international circles, those that have corrupted our society and put the Nigerian political calendar back by their words and deeds”. Conceding the coupists were “not promising anything miraculous or spectacular”, he, however, promised “every law-abiding citizen …freedom from fear and all forms of oppression, freedom from genual inefficacy …..We promise that you will no more be ashamed to say that you are a Nigerian”.

Major Gideon Orka, in 7 am April, 22, 1990 coup broadcast to tyrannical Nigerians, heralding the aborted overthrow of the Gen. Ibrahim Babangida military junta, had identified the elite cliquism as those responsible for the “intrigues combination and internal colonization of the Nigerian state by the so-called chosen few”. He identified this group as being “responsible for 90% of the problems of Nigerians.

Majors Nzeogwu and Orka must be turning in their 57 and 33 years (respectively) cold graves to know that all the problem areas they identified in his coup broadcast have since magnified and increased geometrically; not arithmetically. He would be shocked to hear that kick-back is no longer 10% today, but between 50% and 80%. He would shudder to know that corruption now walks on steroids, strutting about like a proud peacock. They will grimace to know that state captors have tightened their asphyxiating grip on the dry throats of conquered Nigerians. Otherwise, why would any sane leader (of whatever post or position), endanger the lives of his/her people in the air just to be seen flying the airspace alone? What special security would such a leader require that should also not avail the people? Were such a leader’s handlers not aware of the schedule of his take-off and landing time such as to alert all airlines and tarmacs to delay their flights (on ground) for that period of his flight, rather than allow them to first take off and be hung in the air? Why this crass sense of irresponsibility, insensitivity and insensateness? Do such leaders appreciate how many hundreds (or even thousands) of Nigerians and Nigerian families whose lives they endanger by their sheer megalomania and narcissism?

On March 23, 2022, one Obiora Okonkwo, representing the Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON) at the House of Representatives Committee on Aviation, publicly hearing, bemoaned VIP movement as one of the major reasons for the delays and disruption of flights. He said regulations only allow them to announce that flight delays are “due to operational reasons”, and no more. This is to mask the real reasons, including VIP movement. He explained: “You can imagine when you have waited one hour or one and a half hours in Lagos and you have taken off to land in Abuja. And when you get to Abuja airspace and there is VIP movement, you cannot control that,”…….
“You have to wait as long as it takes the VIP movement before you are cleared for landing. And when you land, before now operators could say because of VIP movement, but today, we have been restricted not to mention VIP so that the blame should not go to somebody else.”

No wonder passengers often hear of delayed and disrupted flights due to only “operational reasons”.

For those VIPs who also keep hapless citizens standing under the sun and rain while their long convoys snake their way through crowded cities do they ever reckon with how many citizens die prematurely, in the process, for not getting to hospitals in time to get urgent medical attention? Have they ever thought of how many students have missed their examinations; or entrepreneurs who have missed crucial corporate meetings and appointments by being held hostage through such reckless VIP movements? Do they even care? Do they still have the attributes of humanity?


For those VIPs who do not know, let me give you free legal advice here. Anyone who causes the death of, or damage to, any air passenger, road- user, or train commuter, who thereby suffers damages due to being held down by VIP movement, you are legally liable for such recklessness. Such VIPs could be damnified in huge punitive, aggravated, exemplary, consequential and compensatory damages in negligence, for individual and corporate liability.

The Court of Appeal was quite emphatic about both the rulers and the led observing the Rule of law. In JAMES v. GOV. OF EDO STATE & ORS (2021) LPELR-54203 (CA). It held:
“Above all and when all is said and done, in law as in every society governed by democratic norms in which the Government is of the people, by the people and for the people, every offence, every restriction on movement and every penalty to be imposed thereon must be within the confines and ambits of the operation of the Rule of Law in a democratic society such as Nigeria. See Raymond Temisan Omatseye V. Federal Republic of Nigeria (2017) LPELR -42719 (CA) per Georgewill, J.C.A. In modem contemporary jurisprudence, the rule of law is the condition in which all members of the society, including the rulers and the led accept the supremacy of the law. It is neither an option nor one of choice. It is a concept in which the citizen is entitled to the observance of the principles of natural justice in the determination of any question involving his rights and obligations under the law. It denotes absolute supremacy or predominance of law. Thus, under it, the Constitution is the supreme law and the observance of the laws of the land must be the guiding code in the daily life of both the Rulers and the Led, so much so that none whosoever is exempted from the observance of the laws of the land. This is indeed the true essence of the rule of law.”

In APPH & ORS v. OTURIE (2019)LPELR-46301(CA), the Court of Appeal was again on song when it held that the “rights of freedom of movement and residence pursuant to Section 41 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) guarantee unhindered residence and movement to all citizens all over Nigeria and except on suspicion of commission of a criminal offence. The said rights protect against expulsion of citizens except in pursuance of valid extradition proceedings. See WILLIAMS V MAJEKODUNMI (1962) 1 ALL NLR 413 and FEDERAL MINISTER OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS V SHUGABA DARMAN (1982)3 NCLR 915.” Per MUHAMMED LAWAL SHUAIBU, JCA (Pp 14 – 15 Paras D – B)”

In EZIEGBO & ANOR v. ASCO INVESTMENT LTD & ANOR (2022) LPELR-56864 (SC), the apex Court dilated on the importance of section 41 of the 1999 Constitution which guarantees freedom of movement throughout Nigeria. It held that: “The primary aim of the section is to generally protect persons from abuse of power; official and individual. See Onwo v. Oko (1996)6 NWLR (ppt. 456) 587.” Per MOHAMMED LAWAL GARBA, JSC (Pp 7 – 8 Paras F – C)”


Those who are President, Vice President, Governor and Deputy Governors should stop wallowing in shielded VIP movement aggrandizement by feeling protected with immunity under section 308 of the 1999 Constitution. This is self-delusion. I laugh. I guffaw. Protection? Not so fast. Only temporary relief. The ephemerality of power and its destined expiration would sooner stare them in the face. Let them read the powerful statement of the Supreme Court in IMB Securities v Tinubu (2001) All NLR 264, to the effect that although this set of people cannot be prosecuted while in office because of their immunity, they can however be investigated. And such investigation can always be used against them after they leave office. See also the case. In Fawehinmi v IGP (2002) All NLR 357, the Hon. Justice Samson Odemwingie Uwaifo, an iconic Jurist of immense intellectual fecundity, said with great erudition, as follows:
“That a person protected under Section 308 of the 1999 Constitution, going by its provisions, can be investigated by the police for an alleged crime or offence is, in my view, beyond dispute. To hold otherwise is to create a monstrous situation whose manifestation may not be fully appreciated until illustrated…Now, if the police became aware, could it be suggested in an open and democratic society like ours that they would be precluded by Section 308 from investigating?… The Police clearly have a duty under Section 4 of the Police Act to do all they can to investigate and preserve whatever evidence is available. The evidence or some aspect of it may be the type which might be lost forever if not preserved while it is available… The evidence may be useful for impeachment purposes if the House (of Assembly) may have need of it. It may no doubt be used for prosecution of the said incumbent Governor after he has left office… But to do nothing under the pretext that a Governor cannot be investigated is a disservice to the society”.

A word is enough for the wise. As our elders tell us, it is only the stubborn fly that follows the corpse into the grave. To say more will be otiose. VIPs, please, leave us alone in the air. Go your way. Let us go ours. We also have our lives to live. Do you hear, hear, hear me? Haba!



Remembering late Alhaji Dan Sallah, late Alhaji Garba mai biredi and other good people



By Adamu Muhd Usman


If a man is endowed with a generous mind, that is the best of nobility, and you are measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish. In life, when you help the people around you to be good, you surely become the best. The people to be discussed in this column need to be attached to some of the above sayings. These personalities touched lives, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touched.


The late Alhaji Musa Abubakar, popularly known and called ‘Alhaji Musa Dan Sallah’ or ‘Alhaji Dan Sallah,’ was known for his atypical religious commitments, compassion, and distinctive philanthropy.

If Dangote is the most successful businessman in the world of today, Alhaji Musa Dan Sallah was the most successful businessman in Kafin-Hausa in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. If Dangote becomes famous for his wealth, religious engagements, and philanthropy, Alhaji Dan Sallah too.

Alhaji rose from a small business to a dealer and distributor of cement (Ashaka), flour, fuel, gas, and kerosene, as well as a marsh, rearing animals, and farming in both the rainy season and irrigation system.

His business flourished drastically despite his immense donations to charity and zakat giving. He established Islamiyya schools, encouraged, helped, and supported religious teaching and learning and clerics and pupils/students.

Alhaji Musa Dan Sallah built dozens of mosques (Masjid), including Friday (Juma’at) mosques. In and outside Kafin-Hausa town in Jigawa state. To my knowledge, I have never heard, seen, or known a person in our community who built a mosque like Alhaji Musa Abubakar Dan Sallah, the second to him, politics aside, don girma Allah (For God’s sake) is the present Jigawa state governor, Malam Umar Namadi (FCA), a.k.a. Dan Modi. And he has been doing that even before he delved into politics.

One of the things that makes me remember Alhaji Musa Dan Sallah in the month of Ramadan, during fasting. The way and manner he plans and gives out iftar and sadaqat (offering) must be eulogised. Alhaji Musa shared even meat; can someone remember pigeons (Baraysi or Tattabaru)? May Allah reward Alhaji Dan Sallah.

In the second republic (1979), he was an NPN party man and a leader. He was generous even in politics. ‘A kind politician’

Alhaji Musa Abubakar Dan Sallah was the grandfather of Shu’aib Isyaku, a.k.a. Dan Ladi Bayani. He was also the grandfather of Hajia Rakiya Musa Zakari and the biological father of my friend Alhaji Muhammad A Musa, a.k.a. Alhaji Bala, the former Kafin-Hausa local government secretary during H.E. Badaru’s tenure.

Alhaji Musa Abubakar Dan Sallah was a remarkable man of faith, kindness, simplicity, and generosity. He was deeply committed to fostering relationships, promoting reconciliation, and ensuring that everything is done in order, like the spread of Islam.

His house was a mecca of sorts for children, destitute and orphans who thronged in droves, especially during the Zakat period and the month of Ramadan for succour. Alhaji Musa Dan Sallah was a cheerful giver, and God loves cheerful givers. May Allah reward him and grant him eternal rest.

Alhaji Garba mai biredi is a name that rang in the 70s and 80s, especially when it comes to taking care of Almajirai (Islamic pupils/students) and their Malams (teachers). He devoted his life to helping, supporting, and encouraging learning and teaching of the Qur’an.

Also, when it comes to the issue of bakery in and outside Kafin-Hausa for deliciousness, health, affordability, and all that, just put a full stop there. The bakery is still in existence, which is the present day called ‘Salama bread.’ Thank God, his children have emulated the late father’s attitudes of faithfulness, generosity, simplicity, gentility, humility, etc.

I also remember him at the time of the Ramadan fast for what he is doing at iftar and other goodies he used to share with the general public. When you tried coming to his masjid (mosque) close to his house, you will love to come the next day for iftar (breaking the fast).

Alhaji Garba was faithful, an employer of labour, philanthropist, lover, helper, supporter, and encourager of Islamic religious activities. His moralities are worth commending and emulating. He was a very simple, gentle, humble, accommodating, simple-headed man, kind-hearted person, and so friendly. We exchanged nice pleasantries and jokes with him. He does call me ‘Dan Fulani’ as a native/tribal/cultural joke between Fulani and ancient or who were connected with Bare-bari (Kanuri people). May Allah reward him and have mercy on him.

The third person was the late ‘Alhaji, Malam, Baba Idris Suleiman.’ He is an elder brother to Baba Toro. Baba Idi, as some called him. He is the father of Hajiya Hauwa (something). and Alhaji Bello Mam B.

This old man was simple, gentle, and very religious. He liked commiting his life to Islamic activities. He was humble, gentle, and humane attitudes will not give you an edge; he is from a royal family. He is humane and simple to the core.

I remember him always when it comes to magnanimity. Yes, in kindness and generosity he always comes to my memory, especially during the month of Ramadan (fast) because I can vividly reflect back on my memory and guess or say it right. Back in the 70s and 80s, and partly in the 90s, there was no household (family) in the entire Kafin-Hausa town that did not benefit from his generosity at Ramadan every year. That ‘funkaso’ (wheat cake) Ayyah!!! May Allah reward Baba Malam Idi and admit him in Al-Jannar Firdaus.

The fourth person was an all-round businessman. If you are talking of a typical, encompassing, promising business tycoon in Hausa land when you mention the person in the name of Alhaji Ismail, popularly known as Alhaji Badali, just match break. His name as a very wealthy man rang in Kafin-Hausa and its surroundings in the 70s and 80s. He engaged in farming, textiles, PZ (provisions), and transportation. Despite being a very rich man, his lifestyle was worth extolling, commending, and emulating. He was a humane, religious, and easygoing gentleman. His house was just a mecca of sorts, with people mostly his employees and those who came to seek help in one way or the other. He is the biological father of Muhammadu Gwadancy and my friend, Alhaji Musa Abdul Aziz, a.k.a. (Hajindo).

Alhaji Ismail promoted peace and made Kafin-Hausa a liberal place and brought positive initiatives to the community. He helped many to be their best and stand on their own. A philanthropist and a businessman. His life is a lesson and worth emulating. May Allah reward him and place him in the high garden. (Al-Janna)

The person at this juncture is last, not the least, in the list. He is my biological father, Malam (Alhaji) Usman Suleiman, popularly known and called ‘Manu.’. Manu is a name driven from Usman (u) by the Fulbe (Fulani). I can’t be selfish and self-centred if I include my father among the list of the persons in the Kafin-Hausa community who did something worthy of eulogising, commending, remembrance, and emulation. Because he did something that is a virtue.

In the 70s, 80s, and 90s, when any person on transit or a stranger, visitor, or wayfarer stepped into Kafin-Hausa town and he or she or they didn’t know anybody or didn’t have a place to put off. The person will be told and directed to go to ‘Manu’s house.’ If the person arrives at our place, even if my dad isn’t around, the person will get food to eat, water to drink, and a place to sleep, and no matter the number of people, when they come, they will definitely be attended to (accommodated). Also, there used to be a villa of Fulanis; the house used to be a Mecca of sorts, especially on market days and during festivities. Our house is an open house for everyone.

My father was a humane, philanthropic, reserved, accommodating, and well-orientated, civilised Fulani man. He believed in giving, as he said goodness comes from giving, and givers never lack. Also, those who want to live meaningfully and well must help enrich the lives of others. It is true, those who choose to be happy must help others find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all. May Allah reward him as well and admit him in Jannatul Firdaus, with the rest and all of us.

May Allah accept us if our lives come to an end. May Allah ease us from this trying moment. May Nigeria rise again and work positively well.

Adamu writes from Kafin-Hausa, Jigawa State.

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Malam Nasir El-Rufai ‘s coup and President Bola Tinubu’s counter coup



What many Nigerians may not know, is that President Bola Tinubu and former Kaduna State governor, Nasir El-Rufai, had parted ways long before the 2023 presidential election.
Whatever political relationship that existed between two, hit the hard rocks shortly after Muhammadu Buhari emerged president in the 2015 presidential election. Watchers of the power circle were quick to observe, that Buhari openly displayed his fascination with Tinubu’s strategic moves that paved the way for his emergence as the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC).


Buhari acknowledged the fact that without Tinubu’s mastery of the game, there was no way he could have beaten heavyweights like Atiku Abubakar, Rabiu Kwankwaso, Aminu Tambuwal who contested the APC ticket with him. From beating the presidential primary hurdles, to clinching the APC ticket and capping it with a resounding victory in the 2015 presidential election, Buhari more or less elevated Tinubu to the status of his political god.


At his swearing-in ceremony on May 29, 2015, Buhari could hardly conceal his admiration for Tinubu. He kept pumping the hand of the former Lagos State governor in numerous hand shakes and gave him several pats in the back at every close encounter. It became obvious to the public that Buhari had found a benefactor and political godfather in Tinubu. What with his previous three failed attempts at the presidency in 2003, 2007 and 2011.

However, the camaraderie was short lived. Along the line, Buhari started giving Tinubu the cold shoulder a few months into the first leg of his presidency. And for a man not given to much restraint, Buhari continued to drive a wedge between Tinubu and his presidency. It wasn’t long before the content of a leaked memo to Buhari, authored by El-Rufai, revealed that Tinubu’s contribution to Buhari’s emergence as president was being “exaggerated.”

At that point, Tinubu got to understand why his initial chummy relationship with Buhari suddenly grew tepid. The thinly veiled rejection from the then president kept growing. The one-sided cold war became so pronounced that Tinubu’s wife, Remi, then a serving senator, was forced to voice her observation right on the floor of the Senate. She openly accused Buhari of ditching her husband after helping him to win the presidency.

But Buhari’s unprovoked indignation towards his benefactor continued unabated. Credible sources within the ruling APC at the time, observed that Tinubu was not allowed to make input into Buhari’s cabinet picks and other strategic appointments.

Right from his first tenure, a handful of power grabbers within and outside Buhari’s kitchen cabinet, were the ones running the government. They formed a cabal that ran rings around the stubbornly insular ex-president.

Members of the cabal had very little electoral value. They were sufficiently disdainful of Tinubu. They used their domineering influence to keep the Lagos Boy far away from their Aso Villa captive. They created the false impression of holding the joker for Buhari’s re-election in 2019. They started treating Tinubu as an expendable commodity as they kept widening the growing chasm between the Daura born ex-Army General and his political benefactor.

Then EI-Rufai came out in the open. He took upon himself the task of “demystifying” Tinubu by rallying some of the man’s political associates for “insurrection” against their leader. From his base in Kaduna, he became a regular visitor in Lagos, which is the nucleus of Tinubu’s political base in the Southwest. He spared no expense as he openly canvased an end to the era of political godfathers. It was during one of his numerous “missionary journeys” that he asked an incumbent Lagos governor: “When are you going to retire your godfather from politics?” And the then first term governor replied: “Second tenure.” And this was a young man who, against all odds, rode on the godfather’s shoulders to the Lagos government house.

The phrase was a wrap for the godfather’s retirement when the governor gets his anticipated second tenure. He must have forgotten that Tinubu has several pairs of wide ear lobes spread across the state. So the voice note of the governor’s “second tenure” echoed through the walls of Bourdillon. If a governor you installed planned to retire you in his tenure, you can only put him back there at your own peril. That’s how that governor lost a potential re-election ticket in 2019. It was a political death. The man has since taken his seat on the reserve bench, watching events from the sidelines.

But the movie to push Tinubu off the cliff ahead of the 2023 race did not stop. Three other former Southwest governors, who the godfather fought tooth and nail to enthrone in their respective states, joined the fray. With goading by El-Rufai, the former Ekiti governor, Kayode Fayemi, took steps that culminated in challenging Tinubu for the 2023 presidential ticket of the APC. And on the prodding of the Buhari cabal, his Ogun State counterpart, Ibikunke Amosun, also threw his signature skyscraper cap in the ring. Similarly, Yemi Osinbajo, who was vice president to Buhari, also saw in the fray what he thought was an opportunity to upstage Tinubu in the quest for the party’s ticket. Perhaps, the open “rebellion” by the former Osun State governor, Rauf Aregbesola, must have been a blow that hit Tinubu below the belt. Fayemi, Amosun and Osinbajo went about their failed adventures without throwing darts at their estranged political benefactor. From his comfort zone as cabinet minister, the ex Osun governor mounted the rooftop to denigrate his former principal. It must have felt like the thrust of Brutus’ sword in Caesar’s groin. Et tu, Rauf? And this was a man who used to be the godfather’s consigliere. The four “renegade” members of the Tinubu political clan could not handle their individual and collective discomfiture when, against all odds, the man managed to dribble Muhammadu Buhari and his cabal to clinch the APC presidential ticket. The godfather crowned it by beating their ambush to win the presidential election subsequently.

Such character traits in the power politics of the Southwest are well documented by political historians. It happened in the First Republic. It was embraced in the Second Republic. It played out in the short lived Third Republic. In those three previous republics, power brokers in the North had forged alliances with overtly ambitious associates in the Southwest for the purposes of pulling down their powerful political leaders. As it was in 1963-1966, so it was in 1979-1983. Circa 1993 (June 12 annulment). It spilled over to the Fourth Republic, 1999 -2023 and still counting. The trend won’t stop with Tinubu. It will continue after him because politicians are a product of ambitions; moderate or inordinate. So the gentlemen who tested their strength with Tinubu for the APC’s 2023 presidential ticket, did not commit any crime.

El-Rufai’s Hidden Agenda

It must be stated clearly that El-Rufai bore no personal animosity towards Tinubu when he set out to instigate the Jagaban’s loyalists against their leader. The ex-Kaduna only played on the moderate or inordinate ambitions of a few of them for his own political gains. It was a long distance race towards 2023.

He knew of Tinubu’s burning desire to succeed Buhari. And he was smart enough to know that another northerner should not be president after Buhari’s eight years in the saddle. The plan was that El-Rufai wanted to be a running mate on the 2023 presidential ticket of the APC. He had figured it all out; that the party would not contemplate a Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket. He had reasoned that being a Muslim, there was no way he could be on the same ticket with Tinubu who is a fellow Muslim. So for him to be on the 2023 ticket, the presidential candidate must be a Christian from the south, preferably from the Southwest. That was why he zeroed in on Fayemi. He was working towards having the ex-Ekiti governor or any other southern Christian as presidential candidate, with him as running mate to balance the religious equation. He must have based his permutations on the 2015 experience when the APC flatly rejected the idea of having another Muslim as Buhari’s running mate. So in his own calculation, he had reasoned that with Tinubu as the presidential candidate in 2023, he stood no chance of picking the vice presidential ticket. He had imagined the party would pick a northern Christian as Tinubu’s running mate, a choice that would automatically shut him out. But contrary to his calculations, Tinubu picked Kashim Shettima, a fellow Muslim as his running mate.

Candidate Buhari of 2015 and candidate Tinubu of 2023 presented two different scenarios. The two leaders are poles apart in terms of their public perception. The former president arrogantly wears his Islamic fundamentalist emblem like a badge of honour. Tinubu on the other hand, maintains a visage of a liberal Muslim with a pastor wife, and, perhaps a mix of Muslim and Christian among his children. In the Buhari case, a Muslim-Muslim ticket would have proved an electoral disaster for the APC. That ticket was redeemed with “Pastor” Osinbajo’s name on the ballot. It attenuated what the community of Christian voters would have perceived as “an extremist ticket.”

From 2015 when El-Rufai started playing Saul of Tarsus, up to the build up to the 2023 electioneering, Tinubu’s trust in the ex-Kaduna governor had grown as big as the mustard seed. It didn’t require any deep intuition for the president to see through El-Rufai’s half-hearted “on the road to Damascus” experience.

But Tinubu managed to play safe by summoning enough native wisdom in his relationship with El-Rufai when he was seeking the presidential ticket, and during the campaigns. He had observed how the then Kaduna governor switched allegiances from one presidential aspirant to another. He switched over to Tinubu when it was obvious that many of his fellow northern governors had settled for the former Lagos governor. Tinubu craftily wormed his way into El-Rufai’s heart by cajoling him and massaging his oversize ego. At his campaign stop in Kaduna, candidate Tinubu had “begged” El-Rufai not to leave Nigeria after his tenure because he would need his services for his administration to succeed. That was how a dead cat was sold and bought. Dealing with a complex character like El-Rufai required a great deal of wisdom…and gumption too.
Tinubu’s approach in disarming El-Rufai may find expression in a number of Yoruba proverbs:
Eni ma mu obo, a se bi obo. (If you want to catch a monkey, you must learn to act like a monkey). Adete o le fun wara, sugbon o le da wara nu. (A leper may not be helpful in milking a cow, but he can waste a whole bucket of milk if provoked). Bi owo eni o ba ti te eku ida, a ki bere iku to pa baba eni. (You don’t threaten to avenge your father’s unnatural death if you are holding a contested sword by the blade). Tinubu did not court El-Rufai for his electoral value. He only stooped to conquer. It was a wrong time for dissent within his party at that critical period. He could ill afford it. Even at that, he lost the majority votes in Kaduna State to Atiku Abubakar and his PDP. With the 2023 presidential election won and lost, El-Rufai spent considerable time drooling over the president-elect in the hope of securing a place in the emerging cabinet.

Tinubu’s Pound Of Flesh

Tinubu sent El-Rufai on a fool’s errand by adding his name to the list of ministerial nominees he forwarded to the Senate for screening and confirmation. Unconfirmed reports at the time, suggested that he was being considered as potential power minister. And before anyone could say Godwin Emefiele, El-Rufai had scurried to the Senate wing of the National Assembly, awaiting his turn in the screening exercise. The news hit him like thunderbolt; his screening had been put in abeyance on account of an unfavourable “security report.” The ex-Kaduna governor did not need a soothsayer to tell him that the “security report” comes in flesh and blood. Tinubu simply took his pound of flesh from El-Rufai by humbling him in the full glare of the public. The godfather never forgets. El-Rufai was caught off guard. He bleated. He brayed. He was dazed. It was a humiliating experience. He got hit by a ricochet from a bullet he had fired at the godfather.
El-Rufai had claimed that Tinubu’s role in Buhari’s 2015 electoral victory was exaggerated. But this same Buhari failed in three previous attempts. Did he mean to say that without Tinubu, Buhari would have won in the Southwest where he was rejected in three consecutive election circles? If he still insists that Tinubu’s role in Buhari’s election was exaggerated, then how would he rate his own contribution to Tinubu’s victory in 2023? Tinubu won 29.4 percent votes in El-Rufai’s Kaduna while Atiku won 40.8 percent. Check the records.
The long and short of the story, is that Jagaban outsmarted his opponent in a political chess game. It’s coup and counter coup. Tit for tat. And today, the godfather El-Rufai plotted to retire from politics, is now holding the sword by the hilt. What a thing about politics. In frustration, he dumped the APC for the Labour Party a few days ago. El-Rufai’s cat has undergone sphynx mutation. It is in desperate need of covering to shield its furless skin from the vagaries of the elements. May Shehu Sani’s wish for him never prevail.

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Legends lost! An era closes! A nation mourns!





The passing of Chief Ayo Adebanjo, a renowned elder statesman and Afenifere chieftain, and the breaking news about Chief Edwin Clark, mark the end of an era.


Focusing primarily on Adebanjo, he represented, very much like Clark, the spirit of emancipation, which arose out of the earlier stages of the agitation for an end to the colonial incursion in Africa. Indeed, Clark was actually, as a student at Holborn College of Law in London, an active member of the West African Students’ Union (WASU). Between 1952 and 1965, he was also a member of the Honourable Society of Inner Temple, London.

WASU is of great significance, for it triggered off the current of thinking, based on the progressive philosophical base, not just for dismantling colonialism but for presenting a programme of action to guide the post-colonial state. The position of WASU affected the thinking of movements such as the Action Group (AG) in Nigeria and the Convention People’s Party (CPP) in Ghana, amongst others.

Indeed, the manifesto pledge of the AG, to ‘make life more abundant’, is aligned with WASU’s affiliation with the ground-breaking manifesto of the Labour Party in 1945, ‘Let us face the future’, which has stood as the most important manifesto ever issued. Significantly, it was the AG manifesto in 1951 which persuaded Adebanjo to switch from the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) to AG. The late sage obviously felt that AG’s manifesto was in alignment with his own political philosophy.

By the time the foremost nationalist switched to AG, the NCNC had undergone a significant shift in its ideology. Following the death of Herbert Macaulay, the party abandoned its initial stance on a federalist post-colonial state and adopted a highly centralized ‘unification’ position. This drastic change had far-reaching consequences, leading to disastrous effects that still plague the country today.

Adebanjo’s shift in allegiance revealed the politics of an era which was based on philosophical ideas and ideological thrusts. This is in marked contradistinction to today’s trend of ‘decamping’ for purely personal advancement and pecuniary benefits. He remained steadfast in his progressive beliefs from his early 20s until his passing at 96. This is why an era has passed, and the passing of that era should be treated with deep regret. The highly respected Nigerian did not shift from his ideological position, through tribulations, setbacks and defeats, including the prospect of going to jail.

During the 1962 treasonable felony trial, Adebanjo faced a choice: abandon his principles and gain a lucrative appointment by testifying for the prosecution, or stand firm. He chose the latter! Today, the political atmosphere is in direct contrast to the faithfulness exhibited by the Isanya Ogbo, Ijebu Ode-born leader and the nation is financially and morally poorer for it. Nigeria is today mired in the ’development of the underdevelopment’, underachievement and an alarming slide into the fringes in the world pecking order.

In my January 6, 2009 article, ‘Afenifere: Once upon an identity’, I wrote that many Yorubas believed the once-revered body had become extinct, with its relevance dying even before the passing of notable figures like Bola Ige and Abraham Adesanya. Fast-forward to today, and the question remains: how relevant is Afenifere in the face of widespread crises, including security concerns and rampant unemployment in the Southwest?

If a country’s politics is not ideologically driven, there are always consequences. In other words, if Nigeria had continued to produce people who believed in the ideological current and stayed faithful, the country could have lived to be at par with Brazil, which is the world’s 10th largest economy; if not, with India, which is the 5th largest.

Instructively, there was a clear ideological mandate of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva that, in his first coming, that translated into practice moved forty million Brazilians out of poverty and built one million housing units annually for eight years. Nigeria could have achieved similar progress, and more, if it had continued to create the atmosphere that produced Ayo Adebanjo and people like him, such as Edwin Clark.

Speaking generally, Nigeria’s biggest problem is the attitude of its leaders and the popular. Imagine the plight of the average citizen! As fate would have it, Nigeria now has one of the highest poverty rates in the world, with significant spatial and socio-economic inequalities, exacerbating social unrest and instability. The living standards are going down, and there’s mass unemployment, with large trade deficits and dependence on oil exports not only resulting in economic stagnation but also hindering development. Here, corruption is a fair game.
Bribery is also a fair game. The trouble is that either is a seed; once it is sown, it will surely germinate,
then bear fruit. After that comes the harvest season.

The reality is unambiguous: many families survive on less than N5,000 per week, while the minimum wage barely covers the cost of a bag of rice. Soaring gasoline prices, inadequate education, healthcare and nutrition have all contributed to a vicious cycle of poverty and underdevelopment. To make matters worse, the inflation rate has skyrocketed to an all-time high, exacerbating the country’s economic challenges; and it is as if the gods are angry!

With these pressing issues staring us in the face, what concrete solutions is Afenifere proposing, and how is it engaging with organizations like the Development Agenda for Western Nigeria (DAWN) to address these challenges? Furthermore, as Afenifere’s stance seems to swing and swerve depending on the whims of its leaders, is the organization presenting solid position papers and working collaboratively with others to drive meaningful
change? The fall of giants like Ayo Adebanjo serves as a poignant reminder that the baton of leadership must be
passed to a new generation of Nigerians who are equally committed to the ideals of democracy, social justice, and federalism. In saner societies, Afenifere is supposed to have evolved into a research institute powerhouse for Southwest Nigeria, proffering ironclad solutions to state and local governments on education, internal security, food security and health challenges. But is in doing that?

How many people relate to Afenifere these days, apart from a tiny segment of the elite? Again, if one may ask, what’s the continued relevance of Afenifere? Its influence has waned, and its connection to the average person, particularly outside the elite circle, is tenuous at best. If you talk to somebody in Ijebu-Jesa, my Native Nazareth, what is his concern with Afenifere? Does he know what it stands for? With the last of the titans finding their way to their Creator, will Afenifere still be relevant in decades to come?

Adebanjo was once here! Now, he belongs in history! He has done his bit and he has left the stage. He fought tirelessly for his principles, unyielding in the face of adversity, and uncompromising in his pursuit of a more just and equitable society. His legacy, now forever entwined with the fabric of Afenifere, stands as an inspiration, illuminating the enduring importance of equity, good governance and social justice – timeless ideals that transcend the boundaries of mortality.

Adebanjo’s passing represents what we have lost and what might have been. The lesson from the passing of people like him should be taught in schools and documentary dramas made about their lives in order to instruct, guide and guard. Perhaps, it’d still be possible to rekindle that era!

May the beautiful souls of Chief Ayo Adebanjo and Chief Edwin Clark find rest in the bosom of their

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace in Nigeria!

*KOMOLAFE wrote from Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State, Nigeria ( )

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