Group warns of religious riot as plot for creation of Islamic Emirate leaks in Kaduna

The Adara Development Association (ADA), a socio-cultural group has warned Kaduna State government against the forceful reintroduction of Islamic Emirate rules on Adara Chiefdom.

The group said it would strongly resist the coordinated plans to re-colonise Adara people and their ancestral lands by Kasuwan Magani Hausa/Fulani Muslim Community in Kajuru area of the state in the Southern Senatorial district.

In statement issued at the weekend by the association’s National President, Mr. Awemi Dio Maisamari, it called on people of conscience to rise and avert the imminent religious crisis, saying a proposal to create Islamic Emirate in a Christian dominated area has been discovered.
“We are therefore calling on all people of conscience in and out of government to arise and avert the crisis that will accompany forceful government reintroduction of Islamic Emirate rule on Adara Christians.
ADA stated that, “it came across a copy of a letter dated March 10, 2020, to the governor of Kaduna State which emanated from the Kasuwan Magani Hausa/Fulani Muslim Community.
“In the letter, the said community expressed support for the restructuring of Kajuru Emirate to include Kufana District, part of Adara Chiefdom which has more than 95 percent Christian population.
“The Kasuwan Magani Hausa/Fulani Muslim community also expressed their wish to comply with the unjust and obnoxious gazette which placed the whole of Kufana District (where Kasuwan Magani belongs) under Kajuru Emirate,” it stated.
The association further expressed dismay that “without any iota of doubt, various actions and letters written by some elements in Hausa/Fulani Muslim communities living in Adara land in concert with implicit government support, have clearly vindicated the long standing ADA position.
“ADA position is that the letters and associated actions show that there is a grand and coordinated plan to populate, occupy, annex, dominate and re-colonize Adara people and their ancestral lands,” it noted.
It stressed that “in Hausa culture, traditional rulers are regarded as the fathers and owners of the land. Whenever government and even private organisations need land in a community, they usually collaborate or conspire with them to facilitate the land deals often at the expense of the people and the community.
According to the association, ‘it’s clearly showed the expansionist and domineering agenda of Hausa/Fulani Muslim extremists from the letter requesting for the creation of Kachia Chiefdom for the minority Hausa/Fulani Muslim community of Kachia District out of the present Adara Chiefdom which dated 8th July, 2014, on one hand.
“And on the other hand, from the letter stating the resolution of Hausa/Fulani Community of Kachia LGA/District in respect of the attire to be worn by traditional rulers, dated 13th October, 2016.
The group also made reference to their letter rejecting the government approved traditional head-Gear of District Heads in Adara Chiefdom “for allegedly and falsely being un-Islamic.
According to ADA, the letter communicating recommendations to the committee on the review of the Chieftaincy system in Kaduna State is dated 14/8/2017 by Kajuru Traditional Council.