Expose: Shocking details of how FCDA/FCTA officials, Bwari Area Council officials engage in biggest land racketeering in connivance with outsider cartels


Some TOP officials of the URBAN & REGIONAL PLANING DEPARTMENT and the Development Control Department of the Federal Capital Territory Administration, FCDA/FCTA working in cahoots with a very notorious and criminal Land racketeering cartel are at all times, raking in Tens & Hundreds of billions of naira accrued from land processing revenue flows and sales of illegal, unapproved plots of land on a massive scale and the grant of backdated, unlawful and illegal building plan approvals, the proceeds from which are diverted and siphoned into the private/personal pockets of this powerful criminal land racketeering syndicate. This has been the modus-operandi of this criminal syndicate that has been in operation with absolute impunity, brazen disregards to due processes of the law and in utter contempt of the extant rules and regulations for about 2 decades now, at least since 2005/2007 according to the information and documentary evidences made available to us.

Investigation by CAPITAL POST, penultimate week, revealed that the land racketeers some of who are outsiders and or former sacked or retired staff of the FCTA, are working with some senior officials of the Urban and Regional Planning department and officials of
the Department of Development Control & the Bwari Zonal Land office in perpetrating these criminal activities of backdating and granting building development approvals for these unapproved, illegal and fake Rural/Area councils Plots of lands despite the ban and prohibition on all activities by Ministerial directives which is still in force.
We were able to reach and asked the Director, Development Control, Muhktar Galadima, to comment on these allegations and answer our questions, but he declined to speak to us over. Not even the questionnaire in form of text message sent to him was replied.
We are yet to receive his comments as we go to the press. One fact is certain; And that is that the development control department is directly and actively at the centre of all the illegalities, fraud and corruption that bedevils land administration matters in the FCT and the Director, knowingly or not, is at best aiding and abetting this criminal enterprise or is himself an insider and arrow head, who allows the grants and backdated approval for building plans for rural/area councils lands in total disregard of the Order banning the grant of building approvals for Rural Lands within the FCT.
Another legitimate question is what happens to the proceeds of the mandatory fees charged by the department as processing fees for building approvals? Are these fees being collected and if so into which of the departments revenue accounts are there being credited? Or are there also siphoned and diverted into private hands? Whatever the answers are, the records, if any, of the proceeds into the revenue accounts will serve to further establish that the approvals given are on and for rural lands contrary to the regulations.
Our investigations and documentary evidences we have obtained clearly shows that bribery and corruption and various acts of impunity are endemic in the operations and activities of the Development control department. Take the case of one; Mr Christopher Emefele,
who was seeking for building plan approval for 45 units of plots that he purchased. Mr Christopher Emefele, as he documented himself, had to pay various sums of monies in bribery to the officials of the development control department as follows.
1. Mr Garba (Deputy Director Development Control) – 27/4/2021 – $20,900 USD
3. Hajiya ( A staff & Deputy Director, Development Control Department) – 28/4/2021 –
N10,000,000 (Naira)
4. Unidentified Development Control Officer – 28/4/2021 – N5,000,000 (Naira)
5. Unidentified Development Control Officer – 26/5/2021 – N2,000,000 (Naira)
6. Mr Okpanam ( Director at Development Control Department) – 26/8/2021 – N15,000,000
7. Mr Okpanam ( Director at Development Control Department) – 4/3/2022 – N12,000,000
8. Deputy Director Development Control ( Given through Dr Agbata) – 16/3/2022 –
N1,000,000 (Naira)
9. Mr Garba (Deputy Director Development Control) – 23/3/2022 – N7,500,000 (Naira)
Another documented instance of the corrupt practices associated with the Development control department was a sworn court affidavit obtained by us where the complaints were one DownTown City Deals Ltd & 5 others in which the complainants aver and depose to a
statement of claims among which the complainants claimed to have jointly paid the sum of N180,000,000.00 as PR to various officials of the Development control department to facilitate grants of building plans approvals from the department.
Then there is the case of one Dr. Agbata who depose to an affidavit where he claimed to have paid the sum of N40 million naira as PR to the Development Control department through the account of the Secretary to the Director Legal Services of the Development control department. The money was to be utilised and shared around to key officials of the department by the Director, Legal services. The account details are as follows:-
A/c. No. 1392103784
Access Bank plc
Abdulganiyu Taoreed Balogun jnr.
As our investigation has shown, the director development control was fully aware of all the 3 cases elaborated above but has not taken any action to date.
THE MODUS OPERANDI AND ACTIVITIES: To fully grasp and understand how this nefarious and criminal land racketeering cartel works, it is necessary to understand its nature, who runs it, how it operates etc. We try here below to provide the reading public with an insight into the heart of this criminal network and the nature of its activities.
1]. Diversion and siphoning into private pockets of all Lands and Lands related official government revenue streams receipts, credit vouchers and all cash-flows arising from any and every lands transaction activities ranging from lands forms/files opening processing fees to every other aspect of lands administration services provision that attracts or involved an official or mandatory service fee payments. This scam operates and is coordinated at multiple levels of the FCT Administration system, and, it alone,
provides vast and unprecedented criminal source of cash flows in the TENS AND HUNDREDS of BILLIONS OF NAIRA to this criminal racketeering outfit fraudulently diverted and siphoned from the government coffers.
The first and primary originating level of this activity begins with the Local Area Councils so called lands administration department [Please Note: Focus here is SPECIFIC to the BWARI {AREA COUNCIL & AMAC to some extent].
In the case of Bwari. a clerk- a clerical staff of the area council who is one of the linchpins of this criminal cabal is, for example, solely responsible for the printing of all lands revenue receipts[with no due process nor accountability], prints them at any commercial printers of his choice and stacks them at his personal home. He operates from his home, charges whatever fees he deems fit, collects all payments in cash and, has his wife help him fill in the relevant forms and issues receipts. This has been the practice and status quo since 2007 – date.
Meet Mr. Umar Galadima – the Clerical Staff of the Bwari Area Council Lands Revenue Collection, Regularization/Registration and Receipts Issuance and Record Keeping officer: CAPITAL POST’s investigation has established and identify Umar Galadima who is solely responsible for the collection of all land administration revenues. He works from his home, issues revenue collection receipts which he printed himself and all payments are strictly in cash. An ordinary and low level clerk in the Bwari Land administration department. This young man has the virtual and sole monopoly over all the lands revenue accruing to the area council which he diverts and siphon into his private pockets. He has acquired so much loot that he is now a stupendously wealthy -multi billionaire and owns half of the properties within Bwari township, and even contested for the Senate during the last election which he lost.
He is the 2nd or 3rd most powerful person within the hierarchy of this criminal land racketeering cartel after Ishaq Salihu, a retired former Bwari land office Zonal Manager and the commander- in – chief of the criminal cartel responsible for the production and signing and backdating all illegal and fake layouts, and in charge of the land -grabbing operations of the cartel.
Umar Galadima has so much power and control to the extent that even the elected Executive Chairman and Councilors are totally captive and subordinated to him for they have no option but to rely on his patronage and the occasional handouts and benefits the cartel deigns to give them to sustain themselves and afford to oil their political machine that sustains them in public office. This is the objective reality of the levels of degeneracy, lawlessness and absolute impunity that the society and the entire country has descended to.
2. The second level of this graft and acts of criminality with absolute impunity occurs at the Department of Development Control of the FCT Administration. Here, the process is much more straight forward. Since 2004 when the then FCT Minister, El Rufai banned and
prohibited the grant of building development approvals for Rural/Council lands pending re-certification, and with subsequent administrations doubling down on the measures, factors within the department whom are direct members of this cartel and other
associated collaborators in the department have perfected and are perpetrating the art of back-dating and approving rural lands building and developments plans. But even more sinister, worrying and dangerous is the very real possibility that the statutory rural lands development and building plans processing and approval fees belonging to the FCT Administration Revenue Stream are diverted and siphoned into the private pockets of these characters and fellow members of the cartel. All our attempts to solicit for the confirmation or denial of this worrying prospect proves abortive as the man simply wont
answer our questions.
3. The second area of activity of this cartel, is by far the most pivotal and fundamental foundation upon which every thing else rest upon. These consist of three principal elements. These includes;- FAKE AND ILLEGAL LAYOUTS DESIGNS: These includes the planning, designing and productions of settlements, townships, neighbors, estates, markets, commercial centers, etc, on and over vast tract of lands measuring in the tens and hundreds of thousands of hectares all over the FCT, but particularly within the Bwari Area Council areas- without any authority whatsoever and absolutely without any ministerial approval whatsoever.
This has been the tradition since at least 2007 probably going back to 2005. As a result, vast plots of lands are thus unlawfully and criminally produced, backdated and sold to millions of gullible land hungry Nigerians who ultimately and invariably end up or will end up being victims and dupes of this criminal syndicate. In monetary terms, one can hardly imagine the kind of inflows that goes to the treasury of these criminals. Billions x Billions over. The mind boggles at the implications.
All specifics of these illegal and fake layouts will be detail below in this expose.
This involves the rape of pre-existing legitimate layouts, where existing plots are carved out into multiple pieces and the extra plots are expropriated and sold by the cartel. It also includes the complete hijacking of legitimate layouts which are then overlaid with an illegal layouts that changes and alter the original plots numbers, sizes and other identifying marks. These are also expropriated by the cartel and sold to the public. The scope, levels and scale of the acts of criminalities, impunity and sheer gangsterism being committed here is beyond belief, with poor, innocent Nigerians left to bear the brunt
totally at the mercy of these criminal elements.
Mr. Ishaq Salihu – the last Bwari Zonal Land Office Manager to legitimately sign Rural R of Os before FCT Minister Nasir El’rufai banned the practice in 2004 and kicked out Ishaq Salihu out of the FCTA system- is at the center of the Spiders web of the entire criminal cartel and is solely responsible, along his close cronies operating both from the outside and within the system for all the land-grab, fake & illegal layouts. And, Ishaq Salihu alone is responsible for commissioning, producing and signing of all the illegal layouts and R of Os that are then dump into the Abuja open Land market.
Much more fundamental and injurious to the system is the fact that to date, Ishaq Salihu has refused to release all the data and records of his activities as Zonal Land Manager & those of his predecessors to AGIS and the other appropriate and responsible arms of the FCTA. Only Ishaq Salihu himself, Umar Galadima and the compromised departments of the FCTA involved in these criminalities have access to this data.
The 9 companies identified & listed below are the major vehicles and fronts used by the core most senior leadership of the cartel to disguise their activities and launder the illicit proceeds [financial and material] of their criminal enterprise. These 9 names will lead you to the money and true identities of the ranking members of the cartel.
With the honorable and principled exception of the new and recently appointed Director who refuse to condone any and all acts of gross violation of the rules, acts of gross impunity and any form of insubordination and criminalities [which has forced the rotten
elements to go to ground] with a few honorable exceptions, Virtually all the Senior Management Level Staff and other mid-level staff including each Zonal Manager appointed to Head the Bwari Zonal Lands Office, are the most active and committed insiders that have consistently work in close tandem and at the behest of the External Criminal Master Minds of the FCT Lands Rackets Outfit and or Cartels.
Every single Illegal Layout Design by the Cartel goes Straight to the URP Data Base, Duly Back-Dated & Dubbed “Updated and or Restructured, Reconfigured – whatever the pretense”;
And Yet, Not a SINGLE COPY OF THESE PURPOTEDLY DRAWN AND ALLOCATED RURAL LAND LAYOUTS – OF SEVERAL THOUSANDS – OF LAND AREAS AND DISTRICTS SO – CALLED “UPDATES” BACK DATED FROM 1998/98 – to 2003 HAVE EVER BEEN CAPTURED BY THE AGIS SYSTEMS SATTELITE CAPTURED GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM TO – DATE [2024]; Bearing in Mind That AGIS Came on Stream in the year 2004 and by 2005 was Fully Functional & have captured all the legitimate Urban Statutory and Rural/Regional Layouts of the entire FCT. Thus, its certain that not more than 10% – 20% of uncaptured Rural Lands Allocations & Layout Designs are Authentic.
The full and complete data that out Investigations revealed are at our disposal and readily available for the Authorities Investigation and the Courts of Law. All material and documentary proof and evidences of all items referenced to in this presentation, have been made available to us for further investigations.
To be continued……….

Overland Airways commences flights to Bola Ahmed Tinubu International Airport, Minna

Overland Airways, Nigeria’s longest serving private domestic airline, in partnership with Niger State Government, is pleased to announce the commencement of flight services to Bola Ahmed Tinubu International Airport Minna, the capital city of Niger State from Lagos and Abuja, effective April 23, 2025.

Overland Airways will operate three (3) weekly flights on the Minna-Lagos-Minna route and three (3) weekly flights on the Minna-Abuja-Minna route. These flights will be operated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays using Overland Airways’ brand-new Embraer 175 aircraft.

Flights will depart Lagos to Minna at 8am and Minna to Lagos at 3pm. Flights from Minna to Abuja will depart at 9:30am while Abuja to Minna will depart at 2pm.
Capt. Edward Boyo, Chief Executive Officer and Accountable Executive of Overland Airways says: ‘We are excited to commence flight services to Minna from Abuja the Federal Capital and Lagos the Commercial hub of Nigeria. This flight services will facilitate trade, tourism and economic activities in Niger State and its environs and support the Government of Niger State in its quest to attract more direct investments and improve the livelihood of citizens of the State. We thank particularly His Excellency Mohammed Umar Bago, the Executive Governor of the Niger State for his passionate commitment to the growth and development of the State and for making the dream of a connected Niger State come true.”
The Niger State Ministry of Transport in collaboration with the New Niger Development Project (NNDP), jointly stated, “It has been an uphill journey to bring the Bola Ahmed Tinubu International Airport to fruition—from its construction to its operationalization. Today, we are immensely proud to see this dream become a reality. We are honoured to have Overland Airways as the pioneer airline for this project, setting the foundation for expanded air travel connectivity in Niger State. Mr. Governor is particularly proud of this achievement, which aligns with his vision of modernizing infrastructure and boosting economic development in Niger State.”
The Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the New Niger Aviation, Alhaji Liman Katamba Kutigi, says: “This partnership with Overland Airways will ensure regular and robust flight services from Abuja and Lagos to Minna, Niger State. We are thrilled to partner with Overland Airways, which has a reputation for excellent customer service and reliability, and look forward to working together to reposition the aviation sector and economy of Niger State.”
“Known as the Power State, Niger State, the largest state in Nigeria by landmass and host of major hydroelectric power dams and other businesses, requires reliable air services to drive its economic development and Overland Airways is uniquely positioned to meet this need”, says Capt. Boyo.
Overland Airways service offering has evolved from an all-turboprop fleet to a mixed fleet with the introduction of brand-new Embraer E175 jets. In October 2024, Overland Airways renewed its IOSA safety certification for the 5th consecutive time reaffirming its position as a safe and leading African carrier.

We need more than CNII Order to secure telecom investments – Experts

Industry leaders have identified important measures to secure telecommunications infrastructures in the country and ensure that investments in the telecoms space are protected.

They argued that as much as the effective implementation of the Executive Order on the Designation and Protection of Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII) is important, the Order cannot solely guarantee infrastructure safety except certain internal and standardisation issues are first resolved by operators.

Speaking at the 7th Policy Implementation Assisted Forum (PIAFo) Summit on CNII implementation held Thursday in Lagos, the industry leaders highlighted pressing issues such as infrastructure vandalism, unauthorized installations, and cable theft, while proposing actionable solutions to safeguard the country’s critical national infrastructure.
Gbenga Adebayo, Chairman of the Association of Licensed Telecommunications Operators of Nigeria (ALTON), stressed the importance of proper infrastructure maintenance and installation to prevent vandalism and theft.
He highlighted the widespread issue of stolen manhole covers and poles, attributing the problem to poor maintenance practices. “When properly installed, these components are difficult to remove. However, due to negligence, they are often left unsecured, making them easy targets for theft,” he said.
Adebayo also pointed out that community resistance to infrastructure projects has significantly hindered progress. He recounted instances where local communities prevented trucks from accessing sites due to previous unaddressed damages caused by contractors.
“A diesel supplier was blocked from entering an estate because a previous contractor had damaged their property and failed to make repairs. This lack of accountability breeds distrust and delays crucial projects,” he explained.
He urged stakeholders to foster better relationships with communities to prevent such conflicts.
Another critical issue Adebayo identified was the unauthorized installation of infrastructure without government approval, leading to inadvertent damage during road construction projects.
“Government agencies often damage unregistered infrastructure simply because they were not documented in official records. Proper approvals and collaboration with authorities will ensure accountability and protection of critical infrastructure,” he noted.
He called for improved industry coordination to resolve these challenges internally before seeking external solutions that are promised by the CNII provisions.
Echoing these concerns, Tony Emoekpere, President of the Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria (ATCON), emphasised the need for standardisation and better coordination among stakeholders.
He pointed out that Nigeria’s infrastructure challenges go beyond technical issues, extending into environmental and moral concerns.
“We are dealing with a moral challenge. An engineer who switched from diesel to gas generators encountered a new problem—workers began stealing engine oil instead, as they could no longer siphon diesel. These issues require both technical and ethical solutions,” he explained.
Emoekpere argued that standardisation is the key to long-term sustainability. “If infrastructure is deployed in a suboptimal manner, failure is inevitable. We need to establish proper standards that all stakeholders—government, private sector, and the public—can align with,” he stated.
He also emphasized that Nigeria has strong policies, such as local content policies, but implementation remains a major challenge. “We must move beyond discussions and focus on actionable steps, follow-ups, and policy enforcement,” he added.
The importance of addressing cable theft and vandalism was further stressed by Wale Owoeye, CEO of Cedarview Communications Limited.
He described the alarming frequency of cable cuts, which disrupt network operations and drive up maintenance costs.
“Cable theft is a serious issue. Airtel representatives told me they experience a cable cut every six minutes. The assumption that all black cables contain valuable copper leads to reckless vandalism,” he explained.
To combat this growing problem, Owoeye proposed three key approaches, including reorientation, enforcement, and proactive measures.
“We need to engage local communities in their native languages, educating them on the consequences of vandalism. Strict legal penalties, including long-term imprisonment, should be enforced to deter offenders,” he said.
He also emphasized the need for preventive strategies rather than reactive responses. “Prevention is always more effective and cost-efficient than restoration,” he noted.
As a proactive measure, Owoeye proposed the creation of a dedicated fund to support advocacy and awareness campaigns across Nigeria.
To demonstrate his commitment, he pledged to contribute N500,000 quarterly as a seed fund and encouraged other industry players to follow suit.
“This is like planting a seed. With collective effort, we can grow it into a sustainable solution for protecting Nigeria’s telecom infrastructure,” he said.
The speakers collectively emphasised that addressing these challenges requires collaboration among industry players, government agencies, and local communities.
They called for a concerted effort to enforce policies, engage stakeholders, and implement practical solutions that will ensure the long-term sustainability of Nigeria’s telecommunication infrastructure.

BREAKING: INEC confirms contact details, begins recall process of Senator Natasha from Senate

The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, has confirmed that the representatives of the petitioners seeking to recall the Senator representing Kogi Central Senatorial District have now provided their contact details.

In a statement on Wednesday, INEC’s National Commissioner and Chairman, Information & Voter Education Committee, Sam Olumekun, said:

“The contact address of representatives of the petitioners, their telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses have now been provided in a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Commission.”
He added that INEC has formally notified the senator about the recall petition.
“As provided in Clause 2(a) of the Commission’s Regulations and Guidelines for Recall 2024, a letter has been written to notify the senator sought to be recalled about the receipt of the petition and delivered to her official address,” Olumekun stated.
He further explained that the same letter had been copied to the presiding officer of the Senate and published on the Commission’s website.
Speaking on the next step, Olumekun said INEC would now verify the signatures to ensure that more than 50% of registered voters in Kogi Central signed the petition.
“This will be done in the coming days. The outcome, which will be made public, shall determine the next step to be taken by the Commission,” he said.
Olumekun reassured Nigerians that the recall process would be conducted in an open and transparent manner.

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