
Environment Minister snubs Senate Committee



The joint Committee on Environment of the upper and lower legislative Chamber on Tuesday could not hold due to the absence of the Minister of Environment, Alhaji Mohammed Abdullahi and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Environment.


The duo were invited for an interface with the lawmakers to discuss the progress of the Ogoni clean up project.


They unfortunately, refused to turn out after several times of invitation.

Speaking with the Chairman of the Committee Senator Biobarakuma Degi – Eremienyo, he said, “the importance of the subject matter, we want discuss has to do with the lives of Nigerian citizens, but the Minister is adamant.” he said.

“Having seen the reaction of the law makers in the committee, they are not happy with the attitude of the Minister and his Permanent Secretary ”

According to Senator Degi – Eremienyo the pollution and remediation is hydrocarbon which is a threat to humans lives and so both Chambers deem it fit to invite the Minister to discuss the way out and he turned us down”, the lawmaker lamented.

Reacting to the question as to the why government is doing with this aged long problem of pollution in the area, he said, “I want to categorically stated that government is doing their best, but their best is not enough and that is what everyone is seeing from the attitude of the Minister today.”

Senator Degi – Eremienyo further stated that the PIB bill that was signed into law by Mr. President will go a long way to solve many of Niger Delta challenges of pollution, and spillage



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