CARLO RINOMATO: An Artist, designer, visionary, builder

Carlo Rinomato is a true visionary. His passion is deeply rooted from his childhood where he was raised for many years with his grandparents in Italy. Living on farm land as a child, he learned to appreciate the value of nature, not just from the stem of fruit trees, olive orchards or livestock that survived them, but also from the surrounds of the Adriatic Sea, white sand and surrounding land.

He learned how the simplest life yielded the most reward. Though times were difficult for his grandparents who lived through war, they taught him the essence of appreciation in every little facet of life. He learned to see beauty in its simplest form. This is where Carlo’s love and appreciation of art developed.

Carlo considers himself blessed to have been given the opportunity to see life from a different angle. Hard work and sacrifice combined with imagination and diligence is what drove his success. Carlo embraced the teachings from his grandparents and incorporated them in his work. He defied the norms of typical construction. He always dreamt of unique architecture and focused his energy in creating a company that did just that.
Rinomato’s favourite architect is Frank Lloyd Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural design was pure art and delivered design structures that were in harmony with humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called “Organic Architecture”. Carlo applies this same philosophy to all his projects. Carlo’s work expands into majestic custom homes. His attention to detail is like no other.
He has launched a project called ‘Refuge du Sommet’ in Mont Tremblant Quebec and is restoring historic gems in Italy along the Adriatic coast. Carlo has been featured on TV on the series, “Top Million Dollar Agent” and appeared as a guest on the Marc and Mandy show. He has been featured on the cover of SWAGGER Magazine and had numerous articles published for his works. Carlo is an artist whose true self is expressed in his projects. He is a visionary, designer and builder. A documentary highlighting his works, passionate approach to his designs and his projects is in the making and will be premiered in the coming weeks.
Born 29 July 1967 in Canada, Carlo Rinomato is of Italian heritage and currently resides in Toronto, Canada. He is the founder and creative designer of CARLO RINOMATO Made in Italy brand and also a lifestyle & fashion connoisseur.