Awakening Christ in you

By Chris Ofili

Never has it been so important for us to live consciously of this truth – … CHRIST in you.
In the Bible, our Lord Jesus observed that some people can easily tell changes in weather but can’t discern the signs of time to notice crisis around them and take advantage of the available help. If you look, you notice that both physical and spiritual climate is getting tensed by day – the days are evil. With the current happenings, evil is closing in on all and it appears no one is safe. The devil is constantly on rampage, one needs to awake to these inconvenient truth to fully appreciate the great salvation God intends by His presence in us.

With the understanding of these realities, the writer of the book of *Hebrew* asked: “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation” Hebrew 2:3. To neglect His presence in you is to sign in for defeats. Biblical records shows that divine presence was what helped Gods people in the Bible to live above the evils of their time. God in His graciousness has given us His presence in CHRIST, to excel!
The hour has indeed come for those who have received Christ to use the power God deposited inside of you to live above the evil of this hour.
It is said, in law that in every general rule there are exceptions.
Not everyone has tasted the fear and panic that came in the wake of the corona virus that is currently ravaging and destroying lives around the world. There are a company of people who by the knowledge of the indwelling Christ were so sure that they are secured.
Recently right in the middle of the deadly pandemic some brothers sent the following message to our WhatsApp group.
Look at the excerpt, dated 14th of April 2020.
Brother Kelvin, wrote:
Hallelujah. Now I see what pastor has been stressing all these years of ministering to us. Churches have shut down and you can’t access your men of God because of the New World Order in motion. Man has changed his beautiful planet Earth and the big question is, what then happens? The answer is found in the preaching of our beloved Pastor Chris Ofili, who has stressed the need to look within us and see the Mighty One living on the inside of us and not in the Buildings built by Men. If there’s anytime for this message to find expression, it is now! Thank you Pastor for your labour of love to inject this message into us.
It was followed by Adebayo’s:
O yes! The hour has come to use the power God deposited inside you! He lives in me!
It is for this reason, I charge every one who have received Christ to: Awaken Christ in you, in line with our mandate to: “Spread the kingdom by Awakening Christ in men,” this is the reason behind strong emphasis on the indwelling Christ, to the extent that sometime back, a sister left
the church, saying” is it only CHRIST IN YOU, pastor can preach! Though she later returned after a supernatural encounter with the power of CHRIST in me.
The point is that our emphasis has been on the indwelling Christ, to the extent that people now enjoy God on their own. It’s now common to hear, them declare: Christ lives in me, headache, get out, and it goes!
Or confess, I can’t carry God and carry sickness too, backache, leave and it will vanish and on and on.
Look at these testimonies for example:
Back Pain Vanish Instantly- in the living room.
I had back Pain last Sunday, it was so severe that, the back pain could have stopped me from going to church that morning . Suddenly, I remembered that CHRIST lives in me, l knelt down and prayed and I said: “back pain get out, Christ lives in me”! The moment I said that, the back pain left me. I received my healing immediately. I give God all the glory! Brother Adebayo
Toothache healed- at the Office
I want to testify of the goodness of the Lord in my life. Not too long ago l had toothache, a Childhood ailment that resurfaces again and again.) I decided that I will get some medication on my way to the office. But when I got around the pharmacy , I forgot. On getting to the office, the toothache became severe and there was no pharmacy nearby where I could to get drugs. So I stayed for a while and decided to read my Bible. As I was reading, l opened to the book of 1John4:4 where it was written that: “… Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.” Then I prayed, that the toothache should go, because CHRIST lives on the inside of me. I thanked God for living inside of me, and as I was thanking God, the toothache left me. I was surprised because I didn’t know how it happened and after a while I asked myself, “will it reoccur or was it really gone.” And indeed it had really gone because it did not come back again till now. As you are reading this testimony, I no longer experience it,. And l want to glorify God for that healing, praise the Lord! – Sis Peace . N. (Culled from the Evidence)
There are wide variety of testimonies, that point to the fact that we are not alone, because these are not testimonies that points to anyone as the doer, but to the greater One within. By the power of the greater One these people can fight their own demon, make progress regardless of opposition’s, because they carry the way maker!
All these are
Possible by the power of His presence, in line with God’s word in Colossians1:27, which said: …CHRIST in you, the hope of glory:
In view of the evils of the day, l admonish you to, Awaken Christ in you! And you will discover that, He still still storms.
If you have received CHRIST, right there where you are, redirect your faith to Christ in you and take whatever miracle you desire.
And again, friend if you have not received Christ as your Lord and savior you can do that now, so that you can share in the joy which many of us now experience. To enjoy the power of His presence, pray: Lord Jesus, l ask that you forgive me my sin, please come into my heart and be my Lord and savior. Thank you for saving me.
Congratulations! As you study God’sb word to feed the Spirit of Christ in you, join believers around the world to redirect your faith to Christ in you to take whatever miracle you desire.
Look at this God’s word:
“That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians 3:17, 20.)
His power in us can handle ALL challenges including corona virus.
Please remember to send in your testimony to the glory of God and to edify others:
08043800040/ Facebook@ Chris Ofili and follow us for lmmanuelCAMPAIGN on Mixlr Radio broadcast, here is the link:
Brother Chris Ofili is the senior pastor of Sion Life Channel Ministry. Abuja. Nigeria.
Help others encounter THE POWER OF CHRIST in them, share!
ALL Glory to Our God!