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Putin’s drunk soldiers blowing themselves up with grenades on battlefield



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An assessment by the Ministry of Defence claims that Vladimir Putin’s army is made up of sloshed soldiers who are downing vodka and accidentally blowing themselves up with grenades.

The Secret Service says their alcohol abuse is to blame for their poor military efforts.

Members of the British secret service claim Vladimir Putin’s soldiers are far “too drunk” to successfully fight against Ukraine.

In a recent report, Ministry of Defence officials stated the Russian president’s army is made up of tipsy troops.

The assessment blamed nearly 200,000 of Russia’s casualties on the soldier’s sloshed state.

Recent reports claim the Kremlin Regimen is struggling and have made very few gains in its war against Ukraine, as reported by The Sun.

British intelligence agencies say “alcohol abuse” is likely the culprit of the Russian military poor performance.

Reports claim drunk soldiers have accidentally blown themselves up with grenades.

Adding that there have been an “extremely high” number of incidents, crimes and even deaths tied to their inebriated behaviour.

Fighters are said to have been seen downing vodka and other alcohol before getting into drunken brawls.

Reports claim some men have even blown themselves up handling grenades while under the influence.

“Russian commanders likely identify pervasive alcohol abuse as particularly detrimental to combat effectiveness,” said the MoD.

The tipsy troops are downing vodka and other booze.

“However, with heavy drinking pervasive across much of Russian society, it has long been seen as a tacitly accepted part of military life, even on combat operations.”

It comes after a former top CIA boss claimed war-mad Vladimir Putin is a “dead man walking” and warns the Russian president will be assassinated.

The demise of Putin has been lingering over him for much of the past 12 months – since he first ordered troops to illegally invade Ukraine.

Former CIA boss James Olson has now confirmed that his presidency and indeed life could be ended sooner rather than later.

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