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IHRC reacts to Nigeria’s demolished embassy in Ghana, says it breaches international conventions



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The International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) has reacted to the report that Nigeria’s High Commission in Ghana was demolished, saying that the development was an infraction on the Vienna Conventions.

The country head of IHRC in Nigeria and Coordinator for West African volunteers, Ambassador Dr. Friday Sani condemned in strong terms that such could happen in Ghana, a West African country that has come a long way in relationship with Nigeria.

He explained that the development fell short of expectation, particularly that both West African countries were supposed to struggle for self determinism jointly in order to advance the course of the African continent.

“Well, it is unfortunate that it is happening at this time when we expected African continent to begin to think of self determination. I don’t expect this.

“There is no way we can start discussion without first condemning the act. As a matter of fact Nigeria and Ghana have come a long way.

“I remember the days of my struggle when Ghana played host to my living there, while I was on exile and it was home away from home.

“Sincerely I had a warm reception when I came to Ghana. I had no issue through my one year on exile. Several other Nigerians, heavy weight politicians and others who have also stayed in Ghana on exile, so I don’t expect that at this time of our lives, we can have that demonic action to set us back.

“It is condemnable and there is no any other word but to condemn the act. My consolation is that today we now have a Government ministry that is responsive I am talking of the Ministry of foreign Affairs.

“The disposition of the minister in reacting promptly to the issue and how it affects the rights of Nigerians outside the shores of this country has actually given me and this office a consolation because what this office would have ordinarily done has already be done by the minister of Foreign Affairs and with this level of reactions and actions by Government it will prevent the unfortunate ugly development in future.

“I am happy by the actions taken so far by the ministry of Foreign Affairs and I think this is the first time that the ministry of Foreign Affairs is living up to its responsibility.

“We will encourage them to continue with that momentum so as to ensure that the rights of Nigerians are protected wherever they find themselves especially those doing legitimate businesses all over the world.

He said Ghana is one of the African countries that was respected globally, noting that he has addressed a forum where some African leaders converge in Ghana in 2019 on behalf of IHRC where he applauded Ghana’s developmental stride.

“My experience about Ghana when I led a mission to Ghana last year, I was made to address African leaders, Presidents and vice presidents of various countries and several Foreign ministers of other Africal Countries.

“I delivered a key note address on behalf of the world headquarters of International Human Rights Commission and I said then without mincing words that Ghana was on the right pedestal in terms of development.

“I am afraid this current action of the demolition of Nigeria’s diplomatic House I am afraid that Ghana may again go back to the old order that may end up relegating the image of Ghana as a country to the background.

The IHRC envisaged that the fundamental rights of Nigeria citizens living in Ghana might be infringed, but he disclosed that IHRC was monitoring the development through its volunteers in Ghana.

He urged Nigerians not to embark on retaliatory mission, believing that Ghanaian government would not relent in bringing the perpetrators to book.

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