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Kogi PDP: Things fall apart, the centre may not hold



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By Yusuf Abubakar

As a child of history, it is wiser to follow the pace of developement and underdevelopment as well as events in the course of our lives adventure, but for Kogi PDP, the reverse is now the case, not for anything, but for sheer political egocentricism.

Since the inception of democracy in 1999, Kogi State was initially in the main opposition party during the administration of Late Prince Abubakar Audu, the first civilian governor of Kogi State.

Under his administration, a formidable opposition was built at the state level by a rival political party APP, the PDP spearheaded by former governor, Ibrahim Idris and nutured to fruition between 1999-2003, when he uprooted the ruling APP, to curry victory for the PDP, the first in the history of democracy since 1999, at that period under review.

Not only that, the administration of the strong opposition was a symbol of socio-economic and political emancipation that will guarantee a seamless social strata in our Kogi society, yet it was uprooted because of the competing variables and popular nature of the successor from the main opposition party, PDP, not contemplated in the history of the state, Nigeria.

Owing to the popular nature of the previous adminstration and calculations, it defied all odds to install PDP in Kogi, that brought about the ascension of the then ruling goverrment in the State.

Not minding the highly publicised achievements of the major opposition, but popular candidate of the All Peoples Party (APP), in that dispensation, was regarded by many, as a movement that believed strongly in lopsidedness in the area of its programs, loathed by other sections of the state, and the need to bring to an end that era became needful.

Even the most highly enlightened political section of the state that were predominantly in the then opposition PDP, could not realise their political desire, not untill the personality of former Governor Ibrahim Idris came on board in 2002, and eventually defeated the ruling party as at then. That uprooted the most formidable and popular opposition ruling party in Nigeria, which serves as a reference point for the records up till today.

The ushering of PDP government under Alhaji Ibrahim Idris in 2003, witnessed a long celebration of both the political class,the business class,the civil service,the non govermental organsition, private sector,both organised and informal sector .

Alhaji Ibrahim Idris popularity, achievements, all inclusive, developmental and equitable distribution of both appointments and social infrastructural facilities, endeared him to the heart of Kogites for consecutive two terms, and extended by multiple litigations against his ascension till 2012.

Not only did he ruled the state for nine years, all elective positions in the majority was reversed and reverted to a former ruling party, courtesy of his new wave of leadership at that particular point in time.

His youths empowerment strategy and grass rooted political appointments and well groomed appointees, contributed to the success of PDP and his administration between 9 years he held sway.

His foundations and strategy does not stop at installing his administration for nine years, it extended to ensuring the PDP succeeded after his stint for another four years, and by extension a norm before the sudden turn of events.

Even out of office, he took over the sponsorship of genuine party aspirants and candidates uptill the last election in 2019, not under any political platform rather than PDP but today some party starlwarts with little fate have turned the table against his sway, a situation that led to the loss of both 2015 and lately 2019 Kogi Governorship election.

It became worst in 2019, when his son Abubakar Ibrahim choose to contribute his quota to the developement of the state, by aspiring to govern Kogi state, which was seen by some naysayers within the party as a taboo and an abberation, that bring us to the proverbial statement of ‘Taking A Dog To The Bush For Hunting, And Chasing The Same Dog From The Meat That Was Hunted By The Dog. This irrational conduct is now the bane and the ghost staring on the face of PDP in Kogi.

This affront of the PDP in Kogi was on recurence in 2019, as was rehearsed in 2014, when Mohammed Ibrahim, son of the political juggernaut was denied by massive opposition to return to the green chamber, not for anything, but to uproot their benefactors, just like it was during 2011, when the huge conspiracy against his ambition was stalled by massive support of the electorate from Omala, Olamaboro and Ankpa federal Constituency.

It is a political suicide on PDP to continue in this light or thread on this pedestal of biting the finger that feeds it, especially recently that it is only the former governor Idris, whose extractions are regarded as outcast in PDP, that single handedly endorsed the return of the state leadership, as well as offsetting some of the major committment of the party in Kogi and at the national level.

Rather than party leaders, players and political office seekers coming to pay homage to the father of PDP in the state, it had degenerated, the players had adopted all forms of injustices against his extractions who seek for elective offices, under the guise of turning Kogi state into their political dynasty, denying them of their fundamental human rights and rights to participate in both appointive and elective positions.

This situation alone is enough to balkanise the oneness of PDP, into moving to elections, just like it occurred in 2015 and re-occured in 2019, because the ideas and ideals of the founder and mentor of the party, is fit for the dust bin in Kogi .

In its efforts to nail the party in the coffin of history, the political leader in Alhaji Ibrahim Idris controls alot of followership in the state, owing from selfless leadership, equity and all round development witnessed during his nine years rule.

If some animals are equals, definitely others are more equal than others, the road to political extinction of PDP in Kogi is glaring, as a proverb says, You Can Not Beat A Child, And You Said The Child Should Not Cry’

If what transpired at the Lokoja Confluence stadium is not ressolved and reverted to the original and authentic candidate of PDP, Alhaji Abubakar Ibrahim, then the road to decapitation of the party in Kogi state is staring us on the face.

Untill Justice is done and seen to be done in Kogi PDP, it will be difficult for the party to win even councillorship election in the state, amidst poor leadership in Kogi .

Kogi PDP will not get it right, having forgotten history, when the founders are chased away from the same meal they have prepared for the generality of people to consume, through good leadership and followership.

Whatever the case may be, Abubakar Ibrahim deserve transparency, justice and level playing ground or else an option of things fall apart, will not be in the best interest of people denied of good leadership.

Let’s have a rethink!

Yusuf Abubakar writes from Abuja .

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