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Rt. Hon. Hassan Baiwa and Shehu Mudi altercation: An observer’s post script perception



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Few days ago on Kogi cyberspace, there was outburst between a constituent Mr Mudi Shehu and his representative at the green chamber of the National Assembly RT Hon Hassan Baiwa representing the good people of Dekina/BASSA Federal Constituency.

As an observer and also a commenter on the issue, a frantic reasoning devoid of bias was activated to draw out one or two lessons from the issue.

Diagnosing the issue after seeing reactions and counter reactions from both parties, one could easily deduce that one thing that hurts a politician more is POLITICAL BLACKMAIL and not constructive criticism in topical issues surrounding the job done or not done.

There was a passionate appeal from the constituent for help especially to fend for his hungry children. This request was necessitated because the constituent lacks a good sustaining job to cater for his family needs, this also a prevailing trend amongst thousands of youths across the Senatorial Zone and State in general the writer not left out. The request according to him wasn’t given the required attention though not outrightly turned down as seen in the screenshots of the Representative who only demanded to call back.


This perceived slow pace action of the representative didn’t go down well with the constituent who then resulted to blackmail that his representative is a liar on several social media platforms.
It wasn’t a constructive criticism but a ploy to tendentiously manipulate a destructive perspective towards the image of the representative knowing fully well that this is an election eve year. This approach was a hatemonger approach.


Nobody is immune to being short fuse in some cases especially when the subject is one you have attended to before and still have positive taught towards.
The Honourable Member responded by putting out conversation between to show to the world what transpired.
This reaction also ignited a public hullabaloo against his person and office.


It takes only a leader with a humble heart to reflect on the impact of his action and culled back to apologise not for fear but out of geninue love to that constituent.
The RT Honourable himself out of his love apologize in his Rejoinder and that’s the hallmark of every good and great leader. This act is not a sign of weakness but a show of strength over self.

This act of his must also be commended by all who casted doubt over his leadership strength and abilities which has been rated high before now. This is rare in our clime for a leader who was blackmailed to in turn apologize for his own reaction. Hassan should be commended and not condemned.

The hallmark of Hon Hassan representation the past years is premised on human development, and he is doing all he can to deliver maximally.
RT Hon Hassan Baiwa is only human who is bound to err but his ability to recognize his error and apologize must be applauded.

Concludingly one of the lesson here for all to learn from is When you are rich, you will have issues and when poor you also have issues.
We must try as much as we can to manage our issues within the ambit of our ability and always appreciate those who ever has assisted us in time past and not rush to blame them when they can’t.
This attitude triggers negative energy.

In the words of our late world renowned teleevangelist Prophet T.B Joshua he said “let love always lead”.

Matthew Egwuda writes from Ibaji LGA, Kogi State

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