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Nigeria citizen, Chiluba sentenced to death for drug trafficking in Vietnam



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A drug trafficker, Unachukwu Chiluba Paulinus has been sentenced to death in Vietnam for transporting narcotic substances illegally in the country.

Aged 25, Chiluba was convicted under Clause 4, Article 250 of the 2015 Penal Code of the country by the trial judge.

He.was first was arrested on February 19, 2020, in the Ta Pheng area of Thuan Tay hamlet in Loi Thuan commune, Ben Cau district, while transporting nearly 3 kilogrammes of methamphetamine. The worth of drugs in US dollars was not disclosed.

Chiluba told the police that he arrived in Cambodia in 2019, where he met an African man called Oscar who hired him to transport the drugs from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City for 2,000 USD.

He was paid 650 USD in advance.

According to Vietnamnet, after traveling by taxi from Phnom Penh to the border, he crossed over into Vietnam and was arrested by Ben Cau district’s police.

He also confessed to having earlier transported a backpack containing drugs from Cambodia to HCM City, which he delivered to an unknown man.

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