At the dawn of independence in the late 50’s and early 60’s, the wave of excitement and new hopes swept through West Africa as nations after...
In modern day governance across the world, the issue of Good Governance has taken the front burner as an essential requirement for social, economic and political...
It important for Nigerians to know that the digital currency named e-Naira that has just been launched by the Federal government of Nigeria through the Central...
Last week, news of Kogi State Senators’ secret visit to the Economic and Financial Commission (EFCC) was all over the Nigerian media, to plead for a...
There is nothing wrong with any government taking loans from foreign countries. However, government should not only be transparent about such transactions, but should also channel...
By Kamram Abbasi Most of the global total of more than two million Covid-19 deaths have been in developed nations. Politicians around the world must be...
Universities and polytechnics all over the world are accepted as the citadel of learning and development of human resources. As a matter of fact, the whole...
That the EndSARS protests has galvanized Nigerian youths in a way nothing has been able to do in many years is stating the obvious. This protests...
By all indications, Terwase Akwaza, alias Gana was the most wanted criminal in Benue State and by extension, North central, Nigeria. It’s an incontestable fact that...
History is repeating itself as the Southern part of Kaduna state has become the epicenter of deadly hostilities, resulting in several deaths. Reports have it that...