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2023: Abia ADC governorship candidate, Bishop Onuoha unveils 11-point agenda [Full speech]



Bishop (Dr) Sunday Ndukwo Onuoha,

A governorship aspirant under the African Democratic Congress (ADC) in Abia state, Bishop (Dr) Sunday Ndukwo Onuoha, has unveiled an 11-points agenda to turn around the fortunes of the state.


Onuoha, while addressing the media on Friday said he decided to run for the post of the governor, following calls from groups, stakeholders, eminent personalities, market women, artisans, youths, student groups, among others.


The philanthropist said he is the the governor that the people of Abia have been praying for, having garnered wealth of experience in administration, business, public and private sector, of course and in the religious sector.

He said, “Over the years, we have failed as a people to identify leaders who can heal our land – I am here to serve ndi Abia with all my strength and knowledge. Over the years, we have failed as a people to identify and utilize our abundant human resources – I am that unifier that will galvanize Ndi Abia professionals for the common good of our people.

“Today, I wish to officially announce that I am the Gubernatorial Aspirant of the African Democratic Congress (ADC), a political party which is currently the 3rd largest political party in Nigeria with regards to national spread and the 4th political party in Nigeria with regard to the number of elected positions occupied by ADC in Nigeria.”

He noted that his eleven point agenda will dwell on “Security and Social Welfare, digital economy and information technology Transformation, transparency and accountability, international relations/development agencies, job creation/youth and women empowerment, agriculture and rural development.”

Others are; “Participatory governance, education for sustainable development, accessible basic health for all, trade and commerce, and faith community for development.”

Read the full speech:


Protocols and Formalities:
The State Chairman of ADC,
Members of the ADC State Working Committee (SWC),
ADC Chairman & Executives of L.G.A,
ADC Ward Chairmen & Executives,
Party faithful of our party ADC,
Gentlemen of the Press,
Ladies and Gentlemen . . .

I humbly welcome each and every one of you to this media parley; and thank you for honoring the invitation to be here today, and at this time, regardless of your personal and professional schedules. Your presence here portrays, first of all, the love you have for the state – our dear Abia. Your presence also shows that you believe it is possible to renew, transform, redeem and cleanse our dear Abia State. I appreciate your first show of confidence and immediately promise that your collective trust for me will not be misplaced.

Permit me to introduce myself to you once more. I am Sunday Ndukwo Onuoha. I joined the ministry at a very young age in 1983, and was consecrated a Bishop of the Methodist Church Nigeria in 2006, having served as the first Bishop of Evangelism at the Lagos Headquarters for many years. I hold a Doctorate Degree from the Southern Methodist University (SMU), after my Masters Degree from the same institution, and then studied Infrastructural Development at Harvard University.

You can describe me as a humble servant of God, and of the faith communities represented in and around Abia State. I am an Administrator, Educationist, Technocrat and an Entrepreneur. Philanthropy is a deep passion close to my heart, as I have championed the cause of the indigent, the voiceless, and the disadvantaged; not just from a sense of duty, but from a sense of service to God, without which my worship and reverence of the Almighty would be incomplete.
People who know me closely call me “the Bishop of the Masses”, a name I may have earned from the way and manner I reach out, look out for, and do my best to address the core needs that will improve the people around me. For I believe that humanity feel pain and loss the same way; and regardless of our strata in the ladder called society, our hierarchy of needs are still basic and mundane.

My party leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen of the press, you may recall that a few months ago, a group called Cleanse and Clean Abia Group (CACAG) issued a press release demanding that I make myself available to run for the office of the Governor of Abia State in the forthcoming 2023 Abia Governorship Election. That call by Cleanse and Clean Abia Group (CACAG) ; opened up as it were, a floodgate of similar calls by Abia stakeholders, eminent personalities, market women, artisans, youths, student groups, Ndi Abia in Diaspora and friends of Abia State. At first, I went about my life ignoring the calls, the burden of leadership, and what I thought may mean distractions.

A personal friend and fellow Bishop, asked me to look beyond the calls and see the opportunity in addressing the real needs of Abians.

I have retreated into deep prayerful thoughts; I have given this a series of personal reflections, I have consulted widely and held meetings with a vast selection of stakeholders; and I have found out that Ndi Abia want change, and a re-direction to the path of development, a redeeming from the old trends of governance, and a cleansing that will ensure ourselves and our children can dance to the song of hope and thanksgiving.

I had humbly expressed my hesitations to a few close friends, considering to hearken to the desire of Ndi Abia; and immediately, I gave my nod and consent, a group of friends and associates contributed funds and purchased my Governorship Nomination and Expression of Interest Form.

As if pushing me from the precipice, this kind gesture humbled me and at the same time gave me the assurance that I have the support of the critical mass of Ndi Abia in this gubernatorial journey. To all who contributed and still contribute time, money, energy and resources for this task, I assure you that I do not take your support for granted.

Change is possible, but it is a journey we all must be resolute to take. Unanimous in our believe that your call for me to contest, will not be wasted. We will win together, and hold hands in victory, as I walk with you to lead our dear Abia state to positive transformation.

Without sounding immodest, I am that Governor ndi Abia have been praying for. I have garnered wealth of experience in administration, business, public and private sector, of course, in the religious sector, which is my place of primary assignment, calling and ministry. Let me be the balm and solution to the challenges in Abia State.

Over the years, we have failed as a people to identify leaders who can heal our land – I am here to serve ndi Abia with all my strength and knowledge. Over the years, we have failed as a people to identify and utilize our abundant human resources – I am that unifier that will galvanize ndi Abia professionals for the common good of our people.

I will not mince words in saying this – this is not the time to sound ‘politically correct’, rather it is time to address the pains and sufferings of our people which is what compelled me to join the race. Bishop Desmond Tutu once told me. . . “Sunday if African Faith leaders and men of character do not actively participate in politics, Africa will soon be governed by idiots”. We can do better in Abia, if we all rise up and say “E Don Do!”.

Today, I wish to officially announce that I am the Gubernatorial Aspirant of the African Democratic Congress (ADC), a political party which is currently the 3rd largest political party in Nigeria with regards to national spread and the 4th political party in Nigeria with regard to the number of elected positions occupied by ADC in Nigeria.

Interestingly, the motto of ADC is “Arise and Shine”, and it personally resonates with me because the Christian scriptures in Matthew 5:14 says that a light cannot be hidden under a bushel; and this is synonymous with our joint desire to arise, reclaim, transform and restore the shining light of our dear State, Abia, as the city on a hill.

The mission, vision, manifesto and core values of ADC is in tandem with our desire to enthrone the Abia State of our dreams. Today too, I will equally share with you a brief summary of the Abia of my dream; perhaps it will resonate with you too as you envision it in your mind’s-eye.

Abia State was created on the 27th day of August, 1991. According to the 2006 census, Abia State population is estimated to be about three to four million people. Abia State is blessed with large deposit of oil, gas and other mineral resources. Abia State is blessed with abundant human resources. Over the years, the challenge has been how to elect a leader who can transform and restore the glory of Abia State as God’s own State. Our leadership recruitment process has been wrongly driven. The hour has come to liberate Abia State. The time is now. Ndi Abia, history beckons!

Having crisscrossed all parts of Abia State, I can humbly tell you that I know the issues, problems and challenges amongst my people. I have sat and talked to, and sometimes felt the ache of a people who want nothing more than a change from the bleak status-quo. After a solemn mediation about our dear State, I have developed and summarized an 11 -point agenda which covers all critical sectors of our life as a people, and I believe that addressing these needs will transform this city as we hoist our light high on the hilltop and shine proudly like we are truly meant to.

These 11-point agenda are:
1. Security and Social Welfare
2. Digital Economy and Information Technology Transformation
3. Transparency and Accountability
4. International Relations/Development Agencies
5. Job Creation/Youth and Women Empowerment
6. Agriculture and Rural Development
7. Participatory Governance
8. Education for sustainable development
9. Accessible Basic Health for All
10. Trade and Commerce
11. Faith Community for Development

Ladies and gentlemen, I take these 11-point agenda as my covenant and my social contract with Ndi Abia.

First, the primary essence of governance is the security and welfare of the people. It is a key score-card for governments globally. This is because a working economy must be propelled by people whose lives, dreams and aspirations are secured and well protected.

Our immediate aim will be to provide an all-rounded secure package by first minimizing the risk of insecurity on our economy in Abia. Closely tied to this is to ensure an easy and accessible social services welfare scheme for the assistance of disadvantaged groups, as we finetune ways to critically address food security for our people.

With a secure Abia state, I and my team shall work in creating a digital economy and information technological transformation. For example, we are going to create a technology hub that will make Abia State the Silicon Valley of Nigeria. We shall digitize the way we trade in Ariaria and the way government functions, thus opening up our State to the huge benefits accruable in an ever-growing digital world.

To achieve these dreams, there is need for transparency and accountability. If elected as Governor, I shall lead the charge for transparency and accountability. I shall lead by example and ensure due process in all affairs of state. You can count on Sunday Ndukwo Onuoha, God being my witness, to stretch the value of our resources, and be open in my stewardship, to my people.

We need the collaboration and partnership of well-meaning international bodies, development agencies, Ndi Abia in diaspora, all men and women of goodwill as we explore the poverty challenges facing our state.

Therefore, we shall operate a participatory system of Governance which provides room to analyze your ideas and suggestions, as we consider the interconnection between politics, economy and the law. Regardless of one’s political/faith leanings or place of origin, my team and I shall never discriminate or create room for discord.
Job Creation and Youths/Women Empowerment, will be another milestone on our scorecard. We will ensure the provision of new opportunities for paid employment, especially for our youths, women, children and the disabled community. We will strive to create enabling business environments to support job creation, enhance youth empowerment, and facilitate skill acquisition opportunities for unemployed youths and women, while providing start up grants/equipment for each and every trainee.

On Agriculture and rural development; when elected as the Governor of Abia State, I and my team shall bring back the golden days of Agricultural revolution championed by our dear late Dr. Michael Iheonukara Okpara. We shall reintroduce Agricultural extension workers; introduce mechanized farming, provide modern day facilities and infrastructure in our rural communities. This will stem the tide of rural-urban migration and increase participation of ndi Abia in Agriculture.

The Abia of my dream will provide quality, accessible and subsidized education (SDG 4); because we recognize that with education, we make an upward socioeconomic mobility that is a key to escaping poverty. Our out-of-school youths litter the streets; it is time we cure the eyesore these has become to us, and I shall declare a state of emergency on education in Abia, to ensure that every child of school going age must be in school. Never before have so many children been out of school at the same time, disrupting learning and upending lives, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized.
I think it is enough! E don do!
To address the poor state of health management in Abia, we will implement a special social contract for health development aimed at helping us achieve the health targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG3) by the year 2030.

It will be our mandate to reduce the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) to less than less 200 per 100,000 Live Births. We will do everything possible to prevent our mothers and wives from dying while trying to give life. To reduce neonatal mortality rate and under five-year old mortality rate; to strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol. To achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and empower every resident in Abia State to be able to purchase health services through a universal MANDATORY HEALTH INSURANCE. All of these, while ensuring that every Primary Health Center (PHC) is well equipped with medical equipments, resident Doctors and Nurses. In due time, I shall publicize the full details of our full social contract on health development for Abia.

In the area of Trade and Commerce, I shall restore the glorious days of Aba, the commercial nerve center of Abia State. I will do this with intentional and deliberate approach which shall include: evacuating the age long heaps of waste in Aba, reconstruct the entire Aba roads with proper drainage channels, light up Aba and bring back night life/trading, ensure adequate security, provide grants for upcoming entrepreneurs and create enabling circumstances and environment for business to thrive in the entire Abia State.

Evidently, a faith community for development is necessary in our quest to transform Abia state. Therefore, when given the mandate to lead ndi Abia, I and my team shall nurture a faith community, a community that believes that a functional, caring and responsible government is possible.

This will require value reorientation, awareness, and social orientation. It will also require accountability and transparency in sharing the dividends of democracy to ndi Abia. It will require honesty on the part of government. With these in place, ndi Abia will renew their faith in governance and join hands with the government for the benefit of all. I pledge to do all these when given the mandate to lead our people.
This is just a glimpse into the many milestones I want to achieve with ndi Abia. In few months time, we shall invite you to witness the unveiling of our manifesto which embodies these 11-point agenda elaborately.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me thank each and every one of you for the patience so far. I pray that God will lead each of you safely to your various destinations. I am grateful for the honor you accord me.
God Bless Ndi Abia.
Blessings to one and all!

Bishop Dr. Sunday Ndukwo Onuoha



21 CSOs endorse Tinubu’s emergency rule in Rivers state



A coalition of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) under the aegis of the Centre for Credible Leadership and Citizens Awareness (CCLCA) has expressed strong support for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s recent declaration of a state of emergency in Rivers State.


On Tuesday, March 18, 2025, President Tinubu invoked a provision of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) to impose emergency rule in Rivers State, citing the prolonged political crisis that had destabilized governance in the state.


By Thursday, both chambers of the National Assembly—the Senate and the House of Representatives—had endorsed the President’s decision, incorporating some additional amendments.

Following this development, the CCLCA has backed Tinubu’s move, emphasizing that it aligns with constitutional provisions.

Addressing journalists in Abuja on Friday, the National Coordinator of the group, Dr. Nwambu Gabriel, described the President’s decision as a necessary and lawful response to a deteriorating political situation that required urgent intervention.

“Today, the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations, committed to advocating for good governance and credible leadership, convened to express our support for the recent declaration of a state of emergency in Rivers State by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

“As a civil rights coalition, we stand in affirmation of the recent actions taken by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, as well as the resolutions passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives concerning the state of emergency in Rivers State.

“The prolonged political turmoil between the executive and legislative arms of government in Rivers State has led to a governance crisis that requires immediate and decisive action. We commend President Tinubu for his bold declaration of a state of emergency aimed at restoring order and ensuring effective governance,” he said.

Justifying the emergency rule, Dr. Gabriel noted that the President acted within his constitutional authority, citing Section 305 of the Constitution, which permits the declaration of a state of emergency in cases where governance is severely compromised.

“The chaotic political environment in Rivers State necessitated such an extraordinary measure,” he asserted.

He further explained that the suspension of Governor Siminalayi Fubara, Deputy Governor Ngozi Odu, and all members of the Rivers State House of Assembly was a necessary step to facilitate the restoration of order.

The CSO coalition also endorsed the Senate’s resolution to invoke Section 11(4) of the Constitution, empowering the National Assembly to establish a Joint Advisory Committee to oversee the administration of Rivers State during this period.

According to Dr. Gabriel, this oversight mechanism is essential for safeguarding the interests of Rivers State citizens and ensuring stability.

“We also welcome the Senate’s suggestion to form a committee of eminent Nigerians tasked with reconciling the conflicting parties within the government of Rivers State. Such an initiative is essential not only for the immediate resolution of the ongoing crisis but also for fostering a more collaborative and effective governance structure in the future.

“The House of Representatives’ affirmation of the state of emergency further reinforces the consensus on the need for urgent intervention. We believe that these measures are in the best interest of the people of Rivers State and Nigeria as a whole,” he added.

Dr. Gabriel, however, called on all stakeholders to work towards a peaceful resolution of the crisis, emphasizing that collective action and dialogue remain key to restoring hope and trust in governance.

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BREAKING: PDP rejects Wike’s ally, Anyanwu, affirms Udeh-Okoye as National Secretary



Following the reinstatement of the ally of the former governor of Rivers State, Samuel Anyanwu as the National Secretary of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, PDP by the Supreme Court, the party insisted that Sunday Udeh-Okoye remains the party’s National Secretary.


CAPITAL POST earlier report that the apex Court on Friday reinstated Senator Samuel Anyanwu, stating that the management of party leadership was entirely that of the Party, hence, it was up to the party to nominate or elect its leaders and not the Court.


Reacting to the Supreme Court judgment on Friday, the PDP’s National Publicity Secretary, Debo Ologunagba, said PDP National Secretary remains Mr Sunday Udeh-Okoye..

Samuel Anyanwu is an ally of the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, who PDP believes, he is working for the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC.

The PDP has already chosen Sunday Udeh-Okoye, and the decision has been ratified through the internal mechanism in line with provisions of the PDP Constitution (as amended in 2017).

It added that the Friday ruling of the apex court only affirms what the party has already done and so Udeh-Okoye, not Anyanwu, remains the PDP National Secretary.

The statement by Ologbondiyan confirmed the PDP is in receipt of the Supreme Court judgement and commended the apex court for upholding the principle of the supremacy of the Party in the management of its internal affairs, describing it as a victory for democracy.

It urged all party members to remain peaceful.

“The National Working Committee (NWC) of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has received the Judgment of the Supreme Court which affirmed that the issue of Party leadership positions, including that of the National Secretary is entirely an internal affair of the Party requiring only the Party internal mechanism to which the courts have no jurisdiction.

“Today’s judgment of the Supreme Court reaffirms the standing position of the Party and emphatically settles the emergence of Rt. Hon. SKE Udeh Okoye as the substantiative National Secretary of the PDP having been duly nominated, endorsed and ratified through the internal mechanism of the PDP statutory Organs and bodies in line with provisions of the PDP Constitution (as amended in 2017).

“For clarity, the NWC at its 576th meeting held on the 11th of October, 2023, directed the South East Zonal Executive Committee to nominate a replacement for Senator Samuel Anyanwu upon Senator Anyanwu’s nomination as the governorship candidate of the PDP to contest the November 2023 Governorship election in Imo State.

“Consequent upon the directive of the NWC, the South East Zonal Executive Committee at its meeting held on the 20th of October 2023 passed a resolution approving the emergence and forwarding of the name of Rt. Hon. SKE Udeh Okoye to the NWC as the National Secretary of the Party.

“Accordingly, the NWC at its 577th meeting held on 7th of November 2023 pursuant to its powers under the PDP Constitution, duly received, deliberated upon, accepted and approved the emergence of Rt. Hon. SKE Udeh Okoye as the National Secretary of the Party, which appointment has also since been endorsed by relevant Organs and bodies of the PDP including the Board of Trustees (BoT), South East Zonal Caucus, the PDP Governors’ Forum and officially communicated to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the general public.

“The PDP commends the Supreme Court for upholding the principle of the supremacy of the Party in the management of its internal affairs, describing it as victory for democracy.

“The NWC urges all patriotic members of the PDP to remain united as we work together to move our great Party forward.

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Court did not lift senate probe ban on Natasha —Group Clarifies



A pressure group, Action Collective, has urged Nigerians to disregard rumors that the Federal High Court has lifted its order restraining the Senate from probing Senator Natasha Uduaghan over allegations of sexual harassment against Senate President Goodwill Akpabio.


In a statement signed on Thursday by Dr. Onimisi Ibrahim, the Kogi-based group reaffirmed that the court order remains in effect. According to them, instead of vacating it, the court provided further clarification on the case.


They explained that the court had not yet considered Senator Uduaghan’s request for a mandatory injunction but had instead addressed a motion filed by the Senate on March 17, 2025.

The group noted that in spite of the restraining order, the Senate proceeded with its investigation and ultimately pronounced a six-month suspension on Senator Natasha.

“They equally filed an application, which was vehemently opposed by the Plaintiff’s counsel, Michael Numa, SAN, who emphasized the Senate’s contemptuous actions in defying the Court’s orders.
“Numa argued that the Senate was not entitled to any further orders from the same court it had disrespected.

“After standing down the matter for a few hours, the Judge returned to deliver a ruling, offering clarification on the scope of Order 4. Contrary to the interpretation sought by the 2nd Defendant (the Senate), that the restraining order was meant to halt the entire legislative function of the Senate, the Court noted that the National Assembly had been carrying out its legislative functions without any hindrance.

“The Court further clarified that, owing to the varying interpretations of the order, it would set aside only the consequential aspects of Order 4, which was merely meant to give effect to the predicate orders.”

The group declared that contrary to false reports, “The Court did not set aside Orders 1, 2, or 3, which include the orders restraining the Senate’s Ethics Committee from continuing its investigation into the Plaintiff’s alleged conduct while the Motion for an Interlocutory Injunction remains pending.

“Additionally, the Court did not reverse its directive for the Defendants to show cause within 72 hours or overturn the order to maintain the status quo ante bellum.

“The Court’s decision only involved the clarification of Order 4 due to the differing interpretations presented by the Defendants.

“The matter was subsequently adjourned to March 25, 2025, for the hearing of all pending applications, including the substantive dispute.

“We use this medium to assure the general public that justice shall prevail, even as we urge everyone to disregard the misinformation in circulation,” the group clarified.

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